Chant Books on iPad and Tablets
  • wjcb112
    Posts: 20
    Does anyone have any knowledge of Chant books available on iPads and electronic tablets - preferably so that the computer manages the page finding?
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,206
    In PDF files, the "bookmarks" provide a convenient way to navigate directly to a specific page, so you may like to try using those files on a tablet. Some of the PDFs available for download from have bookmarks included, but not all have them yet. In recent months Ben Yanke has been kindly adding them to several of the popular PDF files on the site, so if you find one that needs bookmarking, please let him or me know.
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114

    I also did this blog post about my experience of using a tablet for all my choral music on a tablet over the past several years. I've only used paper in the loft a handful of times recently.

    Don't hesitate to let me know if there's a PDF on musicasacra's site that would benefit by being bookmarked, or if you have any questions about it.

    If you'd like an example of bookmarked files, both SEP and the GR are fully bookmarked, allowing you to find any day on the calendar with minimal scrolling (which is somewhat difficult).
  • MatthewRoth
    Posts: 2,232
    Plus, you can download files from Gregobase or your own PDF made with Gregorio...
  • janetgorbitzjanetgorbitz
    Posts: 968
    We do also have a Kindle version of SEP available on Amazon.
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114