Thankful - List of blessings and expressions of gratitude
  • athome
    Posts: 31
    From time to time, usually when things seem stressful, I like to stop what I'm doing and list all of the blessings in my life, and try to don gratitude for every aspect of it, the good and the not so good. There's a simple prayer, 'For all that has been thank you, and for all that will be, yes...' which is very Marian, but also extremely practical. So I thought now, being a busy time, might be a good time for us as a forum to count our CMAA blessings. I'll start...

    I'm thankful for wide array or knowledge and the charitable attitude in which they are presented here on this board. I have learned so much through reading and trying to keep up with all of the discussions. So my thanks to all of you. Merry Christmas and peace to all of you.
  • GavinGavin
    Posts: 2,799
    Humbug. I'm stuck in an apartment with water coming through the ceiling. And yet I'm thankful that my biggest problem is that the roof over my head leaks every now and then.
  • miacoyne
    Posts: 1,805
    I'll post what I'm thankful for (I hope you don't laugh).

    Today is Christmas eve. I'm, first of all, thankful for CMAA and this forum that I actually 'study' eveyday. ;-)
    I'm also thankful to God who is almighty and bigger than the universe came down to us as a tiny baby. I was reminded today that it is the most amazing miracle to me.

    My boy asked why three magi had to follow a small star, instead of something big like a big moon. It would have been easier. Made me think for awhile. It occured to me that we all have a small faith like that little star which leads us to find Jesus, our Lord in our long faith journey. We just need to be awake and don't loose the sight of that small star, even if there are somtimes clouds that cover it. I'm very greatful for that small star, and my small faith.

    One more, all the musicians who worked so hard to fill this earth with beautiful music and glorify God on this Christmas.

    On Christmas eve, 2008
    Mia Coyne
  • i'm so thankful that so many things are coming together from all directions to unite perfect art and perfect faith--in our lifetimes we pray--throughout the world.
  • Having just listened to his homily for Christmas Midnight Mass, I thank God for having blessed us with our Pope Benedict XVI, the newborn Christ's own soft-spoken Vicar; who points us toward the beauty of God and of creation, in which can be found truth and goodness even in its disfigurement by mankind's ignorance, indifference, and hatred. May he enjoy life, health, and a growing audience for years to come.
  • AOZ
    Posts: 369
    The unique opportunity and privilege we all have to contribute to the liturgy on glorious days like today. It is the summit of all we do. And the moments of reflection afforded me today - to think of the infant Lord and his gift of light to us all. And today I see Christ's peace and light reflected in the eyes of my son - who is, PRAISE GOD, here today after six months of battling cancer. I learn so much from him. I am in awe of him.
  • francis
    Posts: 10,707
    I am thankful to Jesus and Mary and especially to St. Joseph for my new found life in Wyoming, the new job as DoM at one of Our Lady's most spectacular churches (even if its contemporary architecture), new surroundings, new friends, and more. Today, my eldest two children were able to join with us for Christmas as they flew out from the East Coast. We had a most wonderful and joyful celebration of the Nativity and a great family reunion.

    Blessed be the hearts of Jesus and Mary! Christus Natus Est!
  • AOZ, I had no idea. God bless you, your boy and your family. I knew that you had a radiant light that bounced through Christ's prism while on Tabor eminating from within you when I first met you in person.
    Thanks to you and MJB for providing me the impetus to make the drive to San Diego! I'll try to be a good boy. And I'm unbelievably thankful that the room rate at the Old Town Inn won't crash my monthly credit card debt!
    And I'm thankful everytime I chant His praises.
  • mjballoumjballou
    Posts: 993
    I am thankful to this forum for giving me the online equivalent of a "musical common room" that I can float in and out of all day and evening long. (Note New Year's resolution to work on internet addiction.) Knowing that so many very different people are working on projects similar to mine - and that there is progress being made on many fronts - really does lessen the feeling of being a not very successful voice crying in the wilderness. And helps me to appreciate whatever progress I've made, while inspiring me to keep at it.

    And with San Diego to anticipate - what more could I want?
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,955
    I think the thing I am most thankful for is the realization that ours is a position of service. Church music is not the place for divas or show-offs. Neither is it the place for musicians whose personal lives are a scandal, or whose temperamental behavior is anything but Christian toward others. Yet, I have seen churches put up with such, and have no idea why they did. Anyone can be replaced, and someone more desirable is always out there looking for a job. And no, I don't always agree completely with posts on this forum. My own objectives sometimes differ in style, more than substance from what's presented here. Yet, I am thankful for the exchange of ideas here and the good intentions of the posters toward restoring music that is sacred to the liturgy. It's a privilege to serve in a holy place and offer worship to the uncreated Trinity. That's what I have to keep in mind. Church music is not about me.
  • "I think the thing I am most thankful for is the realization that ours is a position of service. Church music is not the place for divas or show-offs. Neither is it the place for musicians whose personal lives are a scandal, or whose temperamental behavior is anything but Christian toward others. Yet, I have seen churches put up with such, and have no idea why they did."

    Because our Lord put up with such, Charles. What else could He do? Whose life, other than His and His Blessed Mother, is not a "scandal?" And where else would you have them go to seek the path towards righteousness? His voice still rings, "Is there no one left to condemn you? Woman, your sins are forgiven. Go and sin no more." We have to drop the stones, unless they are in our hands to build, not destroy.
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,955
    I agree, in principle. It's the extremes of behavior I was referring to. For example, one of my predecessors - a top notch musician by the way - would throw hymnals at choir members who sang wrong notes. Even our Lord would likely not have put up with that! There have been quite a few folks I have encountered who wont have anything to do with church music after encounters with musicians - most likely ones that shouldn't have been hired to begin with. I do believe that when you go into fields like church music and education, certain standards of behavior come with the job. In these fields, great damage can be done to others by bad example. Christ also mentions the penalty that goes with leading others astray, and the effects of unacceptable behavior would certainly be a part of that. I am thankful for the opportunity to serve, but I believe it's important to have some humility along with Christian behavior. Divas should stay away from church music. The church is not a stage for large egos. Now if we could get that across to some of the priests. ;-)
  • "The church is not a stage for large egos. Now if we could get that across to some of the priests. ;-)"
    And the people sang......;-)
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,955
    Oh, I know! That would result in a great amen heard all the way to heaven. Our former assistant pastor remarked that I was not a terror to get along with like the organist in his former parish. Perhaps I am just older and have gotten past all that. But it seems to me that one fall, hitting one's head the right - or wrong - way, and all the musical ability could be gone in an instant. Perhaps it's good to be a bit humble and not get too full of oneself. What's the old monastic expression, "all is vanity?"
  • RagueneauRagueneau
    Posts: 2,592
    Every time I log onto this site, I say to myself, "I cannot believe this place exists!" (anyone else do the same?)