Communion shocker
  • ghmus7
    Posts: 1,489
    I was at our parish recently, and there was a "hymn" that was sung for communion, with the title of something like "We are united as One". During one of the verses, the text was "This is the bread of Judas' betrayal". I was so shocked I nearly fell out of my pew. Does anyone know this song, and WHY would you want to sing "This is the bread of Judas' betrayal at communion??
  • No exaggeration intended: aren't something like 90% of the "songs" included in the Missalettes and worship aids peddling heresy and catchy ugliness?

  • matthewjmatthewj
    Posts: 2,700

    No exaggeration intended: aren't something like 90% of the "songs" included in the Missalettes and worship aids peddling heresy and catchy ugliness?

  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,518
  • janetgorbitzjanetgorbitz
    Posts: 968
    Found it in a Presbyterian worship aid online:

    “May We Be One”
    Gary Daigle and Rory Cooney ©1957
    When we eat this bread and drink this cup,
    we proclaim your death, Lord Jesus.
    So as we share this feast may we become
    healing and light and peace. May we be one.
    This is the bread of Israel’s wand’ ring. Amen, am
    The bread that strengthened Elijah. Amen, amen.
    The bread that fed many thousands. Amen, amen.
    This is the bread of Judas’ betrayal. Amen, amen.
    Take and eat; this bread is the life of God.
    This is the bread of rain and sunlight. Amen, amen
    The bread of earth’s fertile bounty. Amen, amen.
    The bread of wheat and of barley. Amen, amen.
    This is the bread of earth’s many colors. Amen, am
    Take and eat; this bread is the life of God.
    This is the blessing cup of the Sabbath. Amen, ame
    The cup of Cana’s amazement. Amen, amen.
    The cup that would not pass from you. Amen, amen.
    This is the cup now shared in your memory. Amen, a
    Take and drink; this cup is the life of God.
    This is the wine of planting and pruning. Amen, am
    The cup of burgeoning vineyards. Amen, amen.
    The grapes now crushed in the winepresses. Amen, a
    This is the wine of waiting in darkness. Amen, ame
    Take and drink; this cup is the life of God.
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,482
    Gary Daigle and Rory Cooney

    No surprise there.


    I couldn't believe this.
    So I looked it up.

    And from (of course) our friends at GIA.
    Thanked by 1Ben
    Thanked by 1Ben
  • Liam
    Posts: 5,128
    (Not a hairball.)
    Grumpy Cat.jpg
    400 x 400 - 131K
    Thanked by 2MatthewRoth Ben
  • melofluentmelofluent
    Posts: 4,160
    I don't know or dislike Rory personally, but between this and "one foot in paradise, one in the waste," it's been clear he tries awfully hard to out TomConry Tom Conry.
  • cmb
    Posts: 88
    Lots of issues here besides the "bread of Judas' betrayal" line.
    This is the bread of Israel’s wand’ ring. Amen, amen.
    The bread that strengthened Elijah. Amen, amen.
    The bread that fed many thousands. Amen, amen.

    Pretty sure all those events happened before the Last Supper. So, no, this isn't that bread. Who approves this stuff?
  • MatthewRoth
    Posts: 2,406
    It's a horrible attempt at drawing out the Old Testament types and the New Testament anti-type.
  • francis
    Posts: 10,877
    Chris makes a great point... although, maybe not 90%, certainly enough to warrant a crisis of faith. Pehaps its only 88%.

    "You are what you eat and you believe what you sing."
  • I know this may be a rabbit hole I'm opening, but did the execrable music/text come from a loss of faith, or is it a cause -- or both?
  • francis
    Posts: 10,877
    What's up doc?

    The Wisdom of Aristotle–
    Music presupposes decay
    Like sugar on the tooth

    Always warring
    Against us–
    The World
    The Flesh
    And The Devil


    Oh, the Human condition
    Always in need of a Saviour
    Thank God
    we have (the) ONE!

  • mahrt
    Posts: 517
    It would be hard to receive communion after about the bread of Judas's betrayal.

    In the EF on Holy Thursday, such was the abhorrence of the kiss of Judas that the kiss of peace was not exchanged and the Agnus Dei included miserere nobis three times, rather than dona nobis pacem as the last petition. Although this is probably not the historical reason for this practice, this became the received interpretation of it.