Corpus Christi 2015 - What is your planned music?
  • hartleymartin
    Posts: 1,447
    So, what are you up to for Corpus Christi this year?

    St Patrick's Cathedral, Parramatta:
    (11am Solemn Mass)
    O Sacrum Convivium - Tallis
    Panis Angelicus - Franck

    St Margaret Mary's Parish:
    (6pm Vigil Mass)
    Godhead, Here in Hiding (English Plainchant)
    Ave Verum Corpus (Gregorian Chant)

    I'm still not 100% settled on the optional sequence for Corpus Christi. Given that it is optional, I struck a deal with the Parish Priest that we would sing the short form (from "Ecce Panis Angelorum") He was most impressed that I did the Pentecost Sequence last week. It wasn't exactly easy, trying to sing and accompany yourself on the organ (my cantor was absent, sick.)

    I find myself in the unusual situation where I have more suitable music for the occasion than I can fit into the liturgy:

    Let All Mortal Flesh (Picardy)
    See Us, Lord, About Thine Altar (Drakes Broughton)
    Soul of My Saviour (Anima Christi)
    Godhead, Here in Hiding (Adoro Te)
    Sing My Tongue (Pange Lingua)

    Ave Verum Corpus (Gregorian Chant OR; Mozart)
    Panis Angelicus (Gregorian Chant OR; Franck)

    Any suggestions or ideas?
  • I wouldn't use See us Lord, about Thine Altar. What about O Lord, I am not worthy?

  • hartleymartin
    Posts: 1,447
    Not in my hymn repertoire. "See Us Lord, About Thine Altar" is a fairly standard communion hymn in Australia. I probably wouldn't use it on the day anyway, as I have an opportunity to use so much other good music.
  • hartleymartin
    Posts: 1,447
    On a side note, I was accused by the local "Youf Choir" of being "too traditional" when I introduced that hymn to them. Yeah, 1959 is "too traditional" for them, when you consider that 90% of their repertoire comes from the 1970s.
  • JulieCollJulieColl
    Posts: 2,465
    Our tentative program for the External Solemnity on Sunday:

    St. John's Cemetery Chapel, Middle Village, Queens

    EF Missa Cantata
    Opening: O praise ye the Lord (Parry)
    Introit: Cibavit eos
    Kyrie: Mass VI, Rex Genitor
    Gloria: Missa Rex Genitor
    Gradual: Oculi omnium
    Alleluia: Caro mea
    Sequence: Lauda, Sion
    Offertorio: Sacerdotes
    Offertory: Jubilate Deo (Lassus)
    Sanctus: Mass VI, Rex Genitor
    Agnus Dei: Mass VI, Rex Genitor:
    Communion Antiphon (with verses): Quotiescumque
    Communion: O Salutaris Hostia (La Rue)

    Outdoor Procession with Triple Benediction
    Pange lingua
    Adoro te devote
    O Jesus, we adore Thee
    Tantum Ergo
    O Salutaris Hostia (Duguet)
    Adoremus in Aeternum (Allegri)
    Closing: Holy God we praise Thy name (w/descant)
  • melofluentmelofluent
    Posts: 4,160
    Summer choir, no rehearsals....

    Saint Mary’s Parish, Visalia, California

    Introit: “He fed them…(Cibavit eos) Simple English Propers/ Bartlett
    Opening Rites: Lord have mercy//Glory to God-Mass St. Philip Neri: Paul Jernberg
    Responsorial: Respond & Acclaim
    Gospel Accl.: Alleluia-Missa Ascensionis/Giffen*
    Offertory: ADORO TE DEVOTE Latin/Hopkins
    Eucharistic Accl.: Holy/MemAcc.:Jernberg/Amen: Giffen/ Lamb of God-: Jernberg
    Communion Procession: “Whoever eats My Flesh …Simple Choral Propers/Richard.Rice
    Communion Anthem: AVE VERUM CORPUS Charles Culbreth
    TANTUM ERGO Kevin Allen
    Recessional: Organ Postlude
    *Pastor's decision: LAUDA SION omit

  • Jeffrey Quick
    Posts: 2,102
    EF, Sunday, St. Sebastian, Akron OH
    Hymn: Draw nigh and take the body of the Lord (ALL SOULS)
    Mass II, Credo 1
    Gregorian Propers (Psalm-toned gradual and Alleluia verses) with Lauda Sion.
    Offertory: O esca viatorum (HAYDN)
    Communion: Faure: Ave verum Corpus (first time for us; prayers are appreciated)
  • matthewjmatthewj
    Posts: 2,700
    Prelude - Introit from Gregorian Suite, Lee
    Hymn - Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence
    Introit, Mode II, GR
    Kyrie, Mode I from Suite V, GS
    Gloria VIII
    Psalm, LCM
    Ecce Panis Angelorum, Mode VII
    Alleluia, Mode VII, GS
    Offertory, LCM
    O Taste and See - Vaughan Williams
    Sanctus X
    Agnus Dei, Mode VI from Suite V, GS
    Qui Manducat, GR / LCM Communion, Mode VI
    Ubi Caritas, Childers
    Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament -
    O Salutaris Hostia, Anerio
    Procession -
    Pange Lingua, Mode III
    Benediction -
    Tantum Ergo more hispano, Victoria
    Jesus My Lord, My God, My All SWEET SACRAMENT
    Allegro from Symphony 6 - Widor
    Thanked by 1SamuelDorlaque
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,996
    Holy Ghost Catholic Church, Knoxville, TN

    Entrance: At That First Eucharist
    Psalm: Whatever is in the WLP missalette for the day
    Ordinary: All ICEL chant
    Offertory: Ave Verum Corpus - Mozart
    Communion Proper: Rice
    Communion: You Satisfy the Hungry Heart
    Recessional: Alleluia, Sing to Jesus (Hyfrydol)
    Postlude: Grand Jeu from Pieces d'Orgue du Grand Marchand - or another suitable song if I change my mind before then.

    No procession. The masses are scheduled too closely together for that.
    Thanked by 1SamuelDorlaque
  • JDE
    Posts: 588
    OF Mass
    Introit: Cibavit Eos, setting by Sigismond Ritter von Neukomm; SATB/Organ
    Responsorial Psalm from Respond and Acclaim
    Sequence: Tune ALLELUIA DULCE CARMEN, attributed to Michael Haydn (1737-1806), arranged by yours truly
    Offertory Motet: Come Share this Feast of Love by Lloyd Larson); SATB/Piano
    Communion Motet: Tantum Ergo; 1846 setting in A Flat by Anton Bruckner (SATB a cappella)
    Communion Chant: Qui manducat (solo cantor)
    Communion Motet: All Things New by Craig Courtney; SATB/Piano
    Recessional Hymn: Holy God, We Praise Thy Name
    Thanked by 1SamuelDorlaque
  • Saint Edward, Newark, CA Solemnity of the Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ
    10:00 AM Missa Cantata
    Complete Gregorian proper. Mass setting: "Missa Lauda Sion" ... Palestrina
    Sequence: "Lauda Sion" ... Palestrina
    Lessons & Gospel sung, Credo I
    Offertory motet: "Sanctificavit Moyses" ... Palestrina
    Communion motet: "Caro mea vere est cibus" ... Andrea Gabrieli
    Retiring Procession: Salve Regina (simplex)
  • Tournemire
    Posts: 74
    At the Oakland Cathedral we usually do the short version of the sequence each year, but this year (only) I have foregone it. I forgot to rehearse it with the choir in our last rehearsal last week, and even though they sing until the 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time, we don't have weekday rehearsals anymore.
    Corpus Christi.pdf
    Thanked by 1SamuelDorlaque
  • incantuincantu
    Posts: 989
    I swear I didn't steal Dorlaque's program, but we too are doing Palestrina's Missa Lauda Sion (sans Credo) with Gregorian propers at Star of the Sea, SF. This will be the first polyphonic Mass ordinary in... I can't day how long (if ever) at this parish. After that, I plan to do one polyphonic Mass (proper or ordinary) per month in the coming year, at least at the Latin Mass.
  • melofluentmelofluent
    Posts: 4,160
    incantu, I didn't realize you'd taken on Star of the Sea, congratulations and best wishes to you and the whole pastoral staff. If I can take a busman's holiday, can I come sing in the schola during the summer?
    Charles in CenCA
  • Jani
    Posts: 441
    Well, the Mexican/English choir has been working on O Salutaris Hostia (LaRue) for almost two months. We began with about 10 SAT. The lack of experience is such that the altos and tenors can only follow with me singing one part or another; an exception are the sopranos which my daughter can lead just fine. So, come Sunday, the communion hymn will be sung with 2 soprano and 4 alto. I won't say it will be good and I won't say it will be a failure. It will be what it is, and its times like this where I count a lot upon God's mercy and understanding for the effort....
  • Caleferink
    Posts: 435
    OK, don't laugh...I'm doing the best I can with what I've got:

    St. Mary, Tampa, FL

    Prelude: "Schumüke dich, o liebe Seele" (Brahms)
    Entrance: "Gift of Finest Wheat" (I know, weird as an Entrance Hymn, but to me it seemed to best capture the proper Introit given the resources available)
    Kyrie/Gloria: Mass of Wisdom (Janco)
    Responsorial Psalm: Respond & Acclaim (Alstott)
    Sequence: short form ("Ecce panis angelorum")
    Alleluia: Mass of Wisdom
    Offertory Hymn Sat. & 7:30 Sun. (cantor/organ only): "Eat This Bread"
    Offertory Motet 9:00 & 12:00 (Children's & Youth Choirs): "Ave verum" (Mawby)
    Offertory Motet at 10:30 (Adult Choir): "Panis Angelicus" (Franck)
    Sanctus/Mysterium/Amen: Mass of Wisdom
    The Lord's Prayer: chant (Snow)
    Agnus Dei: Mass of Wisdom
    Communion: "I Am the Bread of Life"
    Recessional: "Alleluia, Sing to Jesus"
    Postlude: "Postlude in C" (Kern)
  • musicman923
    Posts: 239
    Processional: At That First Eucharist
    Kyrie: Gregorian chant
    Psalm: Bower- the cup of salvation
    Alleluia: Duncan
    Preparation: Panis Angelicus-Franck
    Community Mass parts
    Communion: I Am the Bread of Life
    Recessional: Sing Praise to the Lord
  • Bishop O'Connor Center, Madison, WI (June 4):

    EF Pontifical Mass at the Throne
    Hymn at the Entrance Procession: "Alleluia! Sing to Jesus" (Hyfrydol)
    Full Gregorian Propers [PDF] & communion verses [PDF]
    Ordinary: Mass in C Major ("Student Mass"), Lotti [PDF]; Credo III
    Motet at Offertory: Adoro te devote, Garau [PDF]
    Hymn at Offertory: Sacris solemniis, mode IV
    Motet I at Communion: Iesu mi dulcissime, Garau [PDF]
    Motet II at Communion: Ave verum corpus, Tinel [PDF]

    O Salutaris Hostia (Duguet)

    Jesus, My Lord, My God, My All (Sweet Sacrament)
    Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence (Picardy)
    Humbly I Adore Thee (Adoro Te Devote)
    O Lord, I Am Not Worthy (Aulé)
    Thou, Who at Thy First Eucharist (Unde et Memores)
    The King of Love My Shepherd Is (Saint Columba)
    Pange lingua (Mode III)

    Tantum ergo @ Altars I + II: Saint Thomas (Wade)
    Tantum ergo @ Final Altar: Gregorian chant, Mode III

    Holy God, We Praise Thy Name (Grosser Gott)
    Thanked by 2Ben canadash
  • soarmarcsoarmarc
    Posts: 42
    Entrance: Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence (PICARDY)
    Kyrie: Mass VIII
    Gloria: A Parish Mass (Togni, adapted)
    Responsorial Psalm: "I will lift up the cup of salvation..." (Lumen Christi, adapted)
    Sequence (English)
    Gospel Acclamation: "Mode VI" Alleluia
    Offertory: O Lord, I Am Not Worthy (NON DIGNUS)
    Sanctus: A Parish Mass (Togni)
    Memorial Acclamation: "We proclaim your death" (ICEL chant)
    Amen: Danish Amen
    Agnus Dei: A Parish Mass (Togni)
    --- Panis Angelicus (chant, mode IV)
    --- Sing of Glory (ST. THOMAS)
    Post-Communion: Salve Regina (chant, simple tone)
    Recessional: At the Lamb's High Feast We Sing (SALZBURG)
  • canadashcanadash
    Posts: 1,503
    @ marc: Did you adapt the Togni? Are you able to share? That was one of my favourites growing up.
  • St Basil's Chapel, UST, Houston -
    Again, very seemple bot nice.

    Organ Voluntary - from Verbum supernum prodiens... nec patris - - - - N. de Grigny
    1. Plein chant en basse, 2. Fugue a 5, 3. Basse de trompette ou de cromorne

    At the Entrance - 'At the Lamb's High Feast We Sing' - - - - Salzburg

    Ordinary - The Belmont Mass

    Responsorial Psalm - freely embellished psalm tone v

    Sequence - (short form) - - - - Sarum plainchant. mode vii

    Alleluia and Verse - freely embellished psalm tone iv

    At the Offertory - 'Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence' - - - - Picardy

    At the Communions -
    1. Ave verum corpus - - - - Plainchant, mode vi
    2. 'Now, My Tongue, the Myst'ry Telling' - - - - Sarum plainchant, mode iii
    3. 'Therefore, We Before Him Bending' - - - - Spanish plainchant, mode v
    (I chant the communion music myself, and the people enjoy meditating.)

    At the Dismissal - 'Alleluia, Sing to Jesus' - - - - Hyfrydol

    Organ Voluntary - on Hyfrydol - - - - Improvisation

    Since the people at St Basil's sing with such loving gusto and confidence, I improvise special introductions to all hymns, and am very inventive with my organ accompaniments and registrations.

    Phillip Johnson was the architect of St Basil's, which seats about 250 people and has the most enviable acoustics of any sacred space in Houston.

    (Since I am absent from Walsingham for the summer I can't say what the music there will be - but, it will be glorious... and mass will culminate with a solemn procession to the outdoor shrine of OLW, and Benediction. [Incidentally, the shrine is a one-half scale replica of the single remaining mediaeval arch at England's Walsingham and incorporates stones and flintstones from there.])

    Thanked by 2CHGiffen canadash
  • Annunciation Catholic Church in Houston:

    Principal Mass (Ordinary Form):
    Introit, Sequence, Offertory, Communion: Graduale Romanum
    Mass VIII, Credo III
    Responsorial psalm: St. Meinrad, mode V
    Offertory motet: Tallis “Verily, verily I say unto you”
    - Ubi caritas
    - Adoro te devote
    - Pange linga gloriosi córporis mysterium
    - Christus vincit
    - Holy God, we praise thy Name
    Communion motet: Palestrina “Ego sum panis vivus”
    Postlude: Mendelssohn, Prelude in c minor, Op. 37 ‪#‎1a‬

    The latter two hymns will accompany the outdoor Eucharistic procession.

    Solemn Vespers (Extraordinary Form) and Benediction:
    Prelude: Titelouze “Pange lingua”
    Introit: Bairstow “Let all mortal flesh keep silence”
    Psalm 110: Victoria
    Psalm 116: Anglican chant
    Magnificat: Soriano, mode V
    Pergolesi “O sacrum convivium”
    O salutaris hostia (WERNER)
    Byrd “Ave verum”
    Tantum ergo
    Holy God, we praise thy Name
    Salve Regina (simple)
    Postlude: J. S. Bach, Prelude in E-flat (BWV 552a)
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,824
    Tournemire, you could have sent them to our Thursday rehearsal, our last before summer schedule ;-)

    Same-old-same-old at St. David of Wales, Richmond California, but it's a thrill to have the Messiaen well under our belt:

    Pro. "At the Lamb's high feast" (SALZBURG)
    Ordinary from Schubert's Deutsche Messe
    Seq. "Contemplate the bread of angels" (Ecce panis, no panic in spite of spell-checker)
    Off. Portas caeli at cantored Masses; O sacrum convivium (Messiaen) at choir Mass
    Com. Qui manducat (cantor); "Humbly we adore" (ADORO TE)
    Rec. "Holy God we praise thy name" (GROSSER GOTT)
  • SarahJ
    Posts: 54
    Prelude: Le Banquet Celeste by Messiaen
    Opening: At the Lamb's High Feast, then SEP
    Offertory: Humbly We Adore Thee
    Mass Parts: Heritage Mass
    Communion: SEP, then Lord Who At Thy First Eucharist
    Closing: Now Thank We All Our God
  • SarahJ -
    How really nice that you played the Messiaen Banquet.
    One rarely hears this played liturgically.
    Thanked by 1SarahJ
  • SarahJ
    Posts: 54
    Thank you, Jackson! I told our pastor that I was interested in playing it but I thought some people might complain. He told me to go for it. And that we should expose the parish to high art. It's an intensely beautiful piece and I love it!
    Thanked by 1eft94530
  • BruceL
    Posts: 1,072
    I'm too lazy to write it out, but here's what you would have heard in Birmingham, AL at the Cathedral of St. Paul. Choir Mass always moves to 8:30 on that day (I like to think we have a "unique" sound that early in the morning...) with procession after. And yes, I know I printed to wrong communion antiphon. Oops.
    Corpus Christi.pdf
    Thanked by 1JulieColl
  • Cathedral of St. Joseph, Wheeling, WV

    Entrance antiphon - Fr. Weber Gradual
    Entrance - Love Divine, All Loves Excelling (HYFRYDOL)
    Gloria - Missa Simplex - R. Proulx
    Psalm - Meinrad tone
    Sequence - cantor “Lauda Sion salvatorem” - Gregorian (a cappella)
    Gospel Acclamation - mode 6 Alleluia
    Offertory - Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence (PICARDY)
    Sanctus - Community Mass - R. Proulx
    Mysterium Fidei/Amen - plainsong, Roman Missal
    Agnus Dei - Community Mass - R. Proulx
    Communion - Jesus, My Lord, My God, My All (SWEET SACRAMENT)
    Communion Meditation - solo/choir - Humbly I adore Thee (ADORO TE)

    (10:30am) Eucharistic Procession - Pange lingua (in English - Plainsong, mode 3)
    (10:30am) Benediction - Tantum ergo (Plainsong, mode 3)

    Recessional - Holy God, We Praise Thy Name (GROSSER GOTT)

    Thanked by 1BruceL
  • hartleymartin
    Posts: 1,447
    St Basil's Chapel, UST, Houston -
    Again, very seemple bot nice.

    At the Entrance - 'At the Lamb's High Feast We Sing' - - - - Salzburg

    Ordinary - The Belmont Mass

    I wish I had thought to use that Hymn.

    I rather like the Belmont Mass, I have used it on some Ferias, though in Australia, we have a distinct and well-known Chant Tone for the Our Father, which is basically the default used in 90% of parishes (except for the few who still use the Janet Mead setting or the one from "Mass for Moderns")
    Thanked by 1M. Jackson Osborn
  • Hartley -
    So! You do the Belmont in Australia? I had no idea it was so widespread.
    Actually, it is a very decent setting, almost like Anglican chant. One can dress it up with imaginative changes of registration at approriate places and even make it sound rather festive. The congregation at St Basil's sing this very well - it's one they sing through much of the year. Since I am engaged there only for the summer and special occasions I don't tamper too much with their repertory, though we do sing quite a good repertory of good hymnody proper to the day. Their singing is exemplary - And, the enviable acoustics play no small part in that!

    By the way: what do you know about the Australian ordinariate, Our Lady of the Southern Cross?
  • Did everyone read above what SarahJ's pastor said!!!?
    Sarah must sing a Te Deum every day!
    What a blessing!
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • hartleymartin
    Posts: 1,447
    The Belmont Mass isn't widespread in Australia, but it is known at some churches. In fact, it is occasionally used at St Patrick's Cathedral, Parramatta on Solemnities which fall on weekdays, where the organist and a cantor provide music for the main 12:30pm daily mass.

    I am aware of the ordinariate. They've asked me to help prepare a Sung Mass and Evensong in a couple of months time in Sydney. This will include playing the organ and recruiting a small choir for the occasion. The Ordinariate seems to be going from strength to strength in some places, but it is struggling to get properly established in Sydney. The main problem is that they do not have a parish church with rectory, etc from which to base themselves.
  • BruceL
    Posts: 1,072
    Mr. O'Donnell, as a native West Virginian, it's nice to see the huge improvement the last few years at St. Joe's. I'm hoping to visit at some point this year on a home trip. All best in your work there!