Music for Holy Trinity?
  • ghmus7
    Posts: 1,489
    It would be edifying to hear what y'all did for Holy Trinity.
    I was off this Sunday, and we were sick, so we wnt to a late mass
    at a parish I have never been to. There were 20 instrumentalists
    bashing clanging drumming and strumming to make
    a racket. Not one line of any of the music chosen had anything
    to do with the Trinity.
    All that "talent" scores, instruments, equipment, hi powered
    amplifiers, etc must have cost a pretty penny. I would
    have gladly swept it all away just to hear a simple proper chant.
    Thanked by 1lhouston58
  • donr
    Posts: 971
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,824
    Not having opportunities for polyphonic ordinaries, I have a slightly uneasy conscience about not taking the chance to use a Palestrina Sanctus as an alius cantus aptus offertory, but we did instead K 117 today.
  • I played at St Basil's, UST, this morning. The music was simple but nice. We sang Nicea at the entrance, St Denio at the offertory, and Grosser Gott at the dismissal. The ordinary was the Belmont Mass. I chanted the psalm and alleluya a capella to ornamented psalm tones, and at communions chanted the 'Song of the Three Children'. Prelude was three versets from the Gloria of Couperin's Messe pour paroisses, the postlude was an improvisation on Grosser Gott. (The people at St Basil's can always be counted on to sing heartily and joyously.)

    Music at Walsingham for this afternoon's Second Evensong for Trinity was more impressive -

    Prelude - Psalm Prelude No. 1, Op. 32 ('Lo, the poor crieth') - - - Herbert Howells
    Introit - 'Holy Is the True Light' - - - William Harris
    Preces - - - - - John Holmes
    Office Hymn - 'O Trinity of Blessed Light' - - - Bromley
    Psalter - Pss. 112, Beatus vir, and 113, Laudate pueri - - - Anonymous Anglican chants
    Magnificat - Short Service in A-flat - - - Orlando Gibbons
    Nunc Dimittis - Short Service in A-flat - - - Orlando Gibbons
    Responses and Suffrages - - - - John Holmes
    The Anthems -
    1. Justorum Animae - - - William Byrd
    2. 'And I Saw a New Heaven' - - - - Edgar Bainton
    3. 'They Are at Rest' - - - - Edward Elgar
    Marian Antiphon - Salve Regina - - - Francis Poulenc
    Hymn - 'Angel Voices Ever Singing' - - - Angel Voices
    Postlude - Prelude in G-minor, Bux 149 - - - Dietrich Buxtehude

    (At the beginning of Walsingham's high mass this morning the Quicumque vult was chanted.)
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • lhouston58
    Posts: 52
    Wish I could have been at Church of the Advent earlier today. I won't be in Boston until the end of summer, so no thurible 360's for me until then
  • matthewjmatthewj
    Posts: 2,700
    We had ordinations to the Diaconate this morning.

    Prelude - Pastorale, BWV 590
    Processional Hymn - Holy, Holy, Holy NICAEA
    Introit - Benedicta sit, Mode VIII
    Kyrie for Three Voices, Byrd
    Gloria VIII
    LCM Psalm
    Mode VIII Alleluia, Graduale Simplex
    Litany of Supplication
    Antiphons for Vesting and Fraternal Kiss - MJM
    Offertory chant - LCM
    Cantate Domino a4 - Hassler/Handl
    Sanctus - Missa Brevis in A Minor (three voices), Lotti / Benedictus X
    Agnus Dei - Missa Brevis in A Minor (three voices), Lotti
    Communio - Data est mihi
    Communion chant LCM
    Sicut Cervus, Palestrina
    Bless Me, God the Father, Mawby
    Recessional Hymn - Holy God We Praise Thy Name GROSSER GOTT
    Postlude - Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr, JC Bach
  • ronkrisman
    Posts: 1,396
    Marian Antiphon - Salve Regina - - - Francis Poulenc

    The one scored for women's voices and guillotine?
  • I got to play St. Patrick's Breastplate for my procession, and an improvisation on Salve Regina for my postlude.

  • matthewjmatthewj
    Posts: 2,700
    I got to play St. Patrick's Breastplate for my procession,

    You played while you processed?
    Thanked by 2lhouston58 Heath
  • SalieriSalieri
    Posts: 3,177
    Propers from Willan (Introit) and Lumen Christi (Offert. & Comm.)
    Anthem: Exultate Justi, Adriano Banchieri
  • nun_34nun_34
    Posts: 68
    Simple English Propers for the introit and communion
    The offertory from Fr. Weber's new book ("through-composed, medium" version)
    "God Father Praise and Glory" as the concluding hymn
  • lhouston58
    Posts: 52
    I was thinking of St. Patrick's Breastplate the other day. and lo, it turned up on the Church of the Advent website:
  • Hymn before the Procession: "On This Day, the First of Days" (Lübeck)
    Introit: SEP with verses sung to SATB psalm tones (AAE)
    Psalm & Alleluia: AAE
    Offertory: SEP with verses sung to SATB psalm tones
    Communion I: Data est mihi, Gregorian chant mode I
    Communion II: SEP with verses sung to SATB psalm tones
    Motet: Domine Deus noster, Moritz Brosig
    Hymn after Communion: "Now Thank We All Our God" (Nun danket)
    Hymn after Dismissal: "Holy God, We Praise Thy Name" (Grosser Gott)
    Thanked by 1Ben
  • lmassery
    Posts: 425
    nothing to brag about here, just keepin' it real:
    O God Almighty Father
    Holy Holy Holy
    Holy is Your Name
    Lord, You Give the Great Commission
  • Cantus67Cantus67
    Posts: 209
    Neat, I'm glad many more people are getting into the chant game. (Below)The numbers after each piece represent internal library numbers that we use at OLMC. Chants were meticulously taken from the Liber Usualis and where contradiction exists corrected with the Graduale Romanum 1961. See attached.

    OLMC in Littleton, CO - Mass in the EF form.

    Processional: O God Almighty Father - Mainz melody 74
    Introit Antiphon: Introit "Benedícta sit"
    Kyrie: Missa XI: Kyrie A
    Gloria: Missa XI: Gloria
    Gradual: Gradual "Benedíctus es Dómine"
    Lesser Alleluja: Alleluia "Benedíctus es"
    Credo: Credo III
    Offertory Antiphon: Offertory "Benedíctus sit"
    Offertory Hymn: Jesu Rex Admirabilis - Palestrina 427
    Sanctus: Missa XI: Sanctus
    Agnus Dei: Missa XI: Agnus Dei
    Communion Antiphon: Communion "Benedícimus Déum"
    Communion Hymn: Benedicamus Patrem - Antiphonale Monasticum
    Communion Hymn: O Esca Viatorum - Haydn (sung in baroque tempo) 326
    Communion Hymn: Profitentes Unitatem - Adam of St. Victor 1321
    Dismissal: Missa XI: Ite Missa Est
    Recessional: Praise to the Lord the Almighty - Stralsund Gesangbuch 140
    Trinity Sunday - Mass.pdf
  • StimsonInRehabStimsonInRehab
    Posts: 1,935
    Communion Hymn: Profitentes Unitatem - Adam of St. Victor 1321

    The Marier arrangement? I love that piece!

    Best thing about music for Trinity Sunday is that you have about fifteen Sundays or so afterwards where you can use the music again.

    I'd love, at some point, to do Victoria's two-part motet Duo Seraphim:
  • Saint Edward, Newark, CA 10:00 AM Missa Cantata for Most Holy Trinity
    Complete Gregorian proper from the Graduale Romanum.
    Missa: Aeterna Christi munera ... Palestrina
    Sung lessons & Gospel
    Offertory motet: "Benedictus sit Deus" a 5 .... Palestrina
    Communion motet: "Benedictus es, Domine" a 7 ... Francesco Bianciardi
    Retiring Procession: "Salve Regina" ... Solemn tone
  • Impressive!
    I especially like the sung lessons.

    Incidentally, the feast of the M.H. Trinity owes its universality to Thomas Becket. In his time it was celebrated here and there in the church but was not by any means a universal feast. It was he who ordered it celebrated throughout England, and, after his martyrdom it was made universal in the Catholic Church.
  • GavinGavin
    Posts: 2,799
    I work at a large Episcopal Church in the suburbs of Texas. Music at our principal Eucharist was:

    BULL: In nomine
    I bind unto myself today (BREASTPLATE OF ST. PATRICK)
    The great Creator of the worlds (TALLIS' ORDINAL)
    VICTORIA: Tres sunt
    Holy, holy, holy (NICAEA)
    Holy God, we praise thy name
    BACH: Wir glauben al'

    Music at our choral evensong was:
    BREWER: Eventide
    VICTORIA: Tres aunt
    Thou whose almighty word (ITALIAN HYMN)
    TALLIS: Preces and responses
    O gladsome light, o grace
    BATTISHILL: Psalm 113
    BREWER: Magnificat and Nunc dimittis in D
    JOUBERT: O Lorde, the maker of al thing
    All praise to thee, my God, this night (TALLIS' CANON)
    O worship the King, all glorious above (HANOVER)
    LOCKLAIR: "The people respond - Amen!" fr. Rubrics<\i>
  • CGM
    Posts: 708
    One of the most ravishingly beautiful pieces for Trinity Sunday is the Palestrina "O beata et benedicta et gloriosa Trinitas," scored for SSATB.

    Transposed score for mixed voices (for purchase) here, and quite contrasting performances here and here.
  • O Lux Beata Trinitas
  • BruceL
    Posts: 1,072
    We had our first-ever Cathedral Choir concert in the afternoon followed by Sung Vespers. As a note, I've attached the programs to all three. I had a hard time finding O LUX BEATA TRINITAS in a format that would work in our tabloid-size order, so I put it in Finale. If you want the Finale file, just PM me on here.
    Holy Trinity.pdf
    II Vespers for Trinity Sunday.pdf
    Cathedral Choir Concert 5.31.15.pdf
    Thanked by 1SamuelDorlaque
  • hartleymartin
    Posts: 1,447
    Well, I went to a parish church and then to a cathedral church:
    (organist in the former and chorister in the latter)

    All Hail, Adored Trinity (Old Hundreth)
    Firmly I Believe and Truly (Drakes Broughton)
    Most Ancient of All Mysteries (St Flavian)

    Missa Sexti Toni - Croce
    O Beata Trinitas - Palestrina
    Holy God, We Praise Thy Name (Grosser Gott)