Christmas Proclamation
  • francis
    Posts: 10,782
    A long time ago in our very own galaxy...
  • Yeah, I always thought Star Wars copied the Proclamation of the birth of Christ.

    A english language saint Meinrad archabbey "lauds for christmas" cd that I owned and was playing in my car opened with the proclamation part. It was overheard by an agnostic dude next to us and he made a similar comment to me along the lines of "that sounds like star wars, I like that ! ".

    Clearly the most mystical aspects of the faith are appealing to most everyone at some point. Scott Hahn apparently also wrote somewhere that he was helped to be converted to catholcism by hearing the Christmas proclamation in one of his first visits to a Catholic midnight mass.

    I also think the traditional latin translation of precise dates is superior to the "politically correct" ICEL one. It's a mystery, it's not supposed to make literal sense to us, based on secular science, thats the fun of judeao-christian Holy Tradition.
    Thanked by 1tomjaw
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