Laetare Sunday Antiphon
  • Jen
    Posts: 28
    I've been wanting to find a way to set the English Entrance Antiphon for Laetare Sunday to a tune the congregation could sing easily. I've matched it with ITALIAN HYMN and wanted some input on whether or not it is too awkward, or if it works well enough to use. Any recommendations would be welcome.
    Rejoice, Jerusalem (Entrance Antiphon) ITALIAN HYMN.pdf
  • lmassery
    Posts: 425
    Hello Jen,
    I think it is a good effort but it does feel a bit awkward to me in terms of unstressed syllables being on the strong beat. There are similar efforts to set this text on another thread that might be some inspiration for you
  • melofluentmelofluent
    Posts: 4,160
    I have to agree with Imassery, laudible but awkward. In the end, I think the text (as set) does not match with the tune chosen in a number of places in the setting.
  • Jen
    Posts: 28
    Thanks for the comments... I was suspecting it was a little too awkward in spots.