Does music for these antiphons exist?
  • Does the music for these antiphons from the Scourging of the Lord exist?

    Ant. 1: Fílius hóminis tradétur principíbus sacerdótum et scribis, et damnábunt
    eum morte et tradent eum géntibus et illúdent ei et cónspuent eum et flagellábunt eum et interfícient eum.

    Ant. 2: Cor meum torquétur intra me, et formído mortis cecídit super me. Timor et tremor vénerunt super me, et contéxit me pavor.

    Ant. 3: Omnes nos quasi oves errávimus, unusquísque in viam suam declinávit; et pósuit Dóminus in eo iniquitátem ómnium nostrum.
  • Not sure of the source of these, but a few accents need correction:
    Most likely venErunt.
  • These were copied/pasted from Vespers In Commemoratione Flagellationis Domini on Wednesday in the 4th Week of Lent for Custodia Terrae Sanctae.
  • smvanroodesmvanroode
    Posts: 1,002
    I have no access to my chant books right now, but you can always check Hesbert's Corpus Antiphonalium Officii (CAO) online:

    1. Filius hominis tradetur: no music in CAO
    2. Cor meum torquetur: no music in CAO
    3. Omnes nos quasi: no music in CAO

    This doesn't always mean that there isn't music for these texts, but it also indicates that it will be hard to find any easily.
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,794
    For the Feast, Sacrae Columnae Flagellationis D.N.J.C. (Feria III post Dom. Quinquagesimae)
    Different Antiphons are found,
    1. Quis est iste
    2. Oblatus est
    3. Quare ergo
    Music can be found in the Roman Antiphonal c.1912

    The problem with the Feasts of the Instruments of the Passion is they appear to be relatively late... Also there are a variety of Offices with similar names but different Propers...
    It may be worth trying to find the text of the Hymn and looking it up in the Analecta Hymnica, then at least you will have a manuscript reference, hopefully one with the music!
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • Thanks for all the help! It seems that these are harder to find also due to the changes made after the reforms. Anyway, thanks again.