Catalog of medieval music manuscripts of Austrian National Libary
  • Simon
    Posts: 161
    This just in from the auther for those interested. Freely downloadable (some 850 mb):

    Catalog of the medieval musical manuscripts of the Austrian National Library Vienna

    Katalog der mittelalterlichen Musikhandschriften der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek Wien (=Codices Manu­scripti & Impressi Supplementum 10), Purkersdorf 2014, ISSN 0379-3621. 198 EUR (

    Detailed descriptions of 108 important music manuscripts, short descriptions of further 259 partly notated manuscripts.

    521 pages (121 with high resolution color images).

    Complete book as downloadable PDF (open access):

    Merry Christmas from Vienna

    Robert Klugseder