Lateran Basilica (with a nod towards Veterans Day)
  • Note the Communion and Closing hymns that hint of patriotism but not nationalism...*I* think so, anyway. The Pastor picked the communion hymn...I didn't like it at first. Love it now.
    Lateran Basilica 2014 Choral.pdf
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,996
    I had to get out the ever popular "America the Beautiful" for the recessional hymn. Otherwise, I didn't do anything patriotic or nationalistic. Not so bad, I think.
  • Mark, I don't see the hymn listed. What was the communion hymn?
  • Dave
    Posts: 64
    The text for the communion hymn is a good one. It was written originally in Swahili by an Anglican missionary to Swaziland, Edmund Palmer. It appeared, among other places, with the tune "Adoro Te" in the Hymnal 1940.
  • "Jesu, Son of Mary" (CORPUS DOMINI)
  • pmtor
    Posts: 2
    This is what we did in Toronto at the Ordinariate parish, St. Thomas More. Our Remembrance Sunday observance was restricted to the end of Mass, after the blessing. We had our Ordinary, Monsignor Steenson visiting, so we had a lengthy procession which allowed us to sing the Parry.

    Dedication of Lateran Basilica 2014.doc
  • pmtor
    Posts: 2
    Did you sing the Proulx descant to Thaxted, Mark?
  • We did not.