RIP. Fr. Chrysogonus Waddell, OCSO
  • Dave
    Posts: 64
    I discovered at the New Liturgical Movement that a great church composer has died. Many of you are familiar with Fr. Waddell's original works and chant accompaniments. His organ accompaniment to "Adoro Te Devote" has always been a personal favorite, though that is but a small part of his musical legacy. He died on the feast of Christ the King. RIP.

    (With thanks to the news from New Liturgical Movement:
  • This is a great loss to the musical world. A great musician, generous and humble. He will be terribly missed. I remember him telling me that on the eve of the Council he had finished new editions of all the Cistercian Chant books for the order which never saw the light of day as the Chant was soon given up. He accepted it as he accepted everything as coming from the Hand of God. A truly great and noble soul. He was also a great expert on the hymns and sequences of Peter Abelard (written for Heloise's Abbey of the Paraclete) performing editions of which he prepared for the recording of this music by Dr Mary Berry and the Schola Gregoriana of Cambridge.

    The world is a poorer place without him. May he rest in peace!
    Jeffrey Morse
  • ghmus7
    Posts: 1,486
    I would like to add, that our choir has done a lot of his fine music. Particularly good are his psalm responses, which have well-written choral parts for the response and dignified psalm tones for the verses.
    May he recieve his eternal reward!