Wherever we have round notes it is because of the childishly pitiful recalcitrance of those who think that they are terrific church musicians and singers but who couldn't possibly be bothered with serious chant scholarship. Please spare me from hearing their renderings of chant.
Modern compositions are NOT Gregorian chant, no matter how greatly the opposite is desired.
here here!What would really be nice would be for Bruce to make his gradual available in both square and round note editions. But this would double his work. Wherever we have round notes it is because of the childishly pitiful recalcitrance of those who think that they are terrific church musicians and singers but who couldn't possibly be bothered with serious chant scholarship.
I think that the really shocking thing about non-Latin chant to many people is that suddenly they can understand the language, a level of engagement which doesn't, for most, happen when hearing Latin and merely listening to vowels that are, objectively, no more beautiful than English ones. If one wishes for something to be beautiful he will perform it beautifully. If he wishes to discredit something he will perform it with determined and purposeful ugliness.
They don’t have a good reason for disliking it other than distaste for whatever associations they have with it.
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