Responsorial Psalm and Gospel Acclamation Resources
  • Our Parish is looking to switch from the Respond and Acclaim(OCP) for the Gospel Acclamation (we use the Chabanel Psalms for the Responsorial Psalm) to something that is simple, fairly traditional and doesn't need to be re-bought every year for the Ordinary Form Mass. We are thinking of switching to the Garnier Alleluias(CCWatershed), but want to look around first. Any Suggestions? What resources do your parishes use? Thanks in advance!
  • Dave
    Posts: 64
    Kudos for looking to letting go of Respond & Disdain. I'll not call it a racket, but their psalm profiteering appalls me.
  • Earl_GreyEarl_Grey
    Posts: 898
    the Garnier Alleluias are a good choice, especially if you are already using Chabanel Pslams.

    Another option would be to use the Seasonal Alleluias from the Alleluia Simplex, found here:

    You can then point the verse text yourself either from the Lectionary or the Graduale. That's what I do for weekday Masses, but... since Garnier is already done for you for Sundays, that seems like the way to go.

    The Cantor Book of Gospel Acclamations from GIA would also fit your criteria, though the above two options are free.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,195
    Sometimes we use Gospel Acclamations from Theodore Marier's old hymnal "Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Canticles".

    Here are a couple of them:
    see numbers 85 and 86

    I'll attach one for the coming weeks, with verses as I have set them.
    Thanked by 2rich_enough davido
  • ryandryand
    Posts: 1,640

    I'll be posting Advent after this weekend and be keeping it updated more often.

    Print copies will be for sale once everything's covered.
  • matthewjmatthewj
    Posts: 2,698
    The best options presently available, in my opinion, are the Lumen Christi versions. Most of the Psalm antiphons are by Fr. Columba Kelly and the Alleluias are the threefold ones found in the Graduale Simplex. They're also all free and available at - just click on Scores.
  • I also made the jump from respond and acclaim to Gelineau two years ago. It was the best decision I've made as musical director. I find the Gelineau easy. His psalm tones for the verse repeat regularly and they are easy and able to be musical unlike the R&A, which I find tiring and boring!
  • SalieriSalieri
    Posts: 3,177
    For responsorial psalms I have used Arlene's Parish Book of Psalms and Aristotle's Psalms, also some of Fr. Weber's.

    For the Alleluia, I use the Mode II melismatic one from Parish Book of Chant, and (this is complicated, let's see if I can say it right:) the final Alleluia, in D Major, from the Easter section of Healey Willan's Introit's and Graduals, I use Mode V for the verse.
    Thanked by 1Adam Wood
  • melofluentmelofluent
    Posts: 4,160
    Kudos for looking to letting go of Respond & Disdain. I'll not call it a racket, but their psalm profiteering appalls me.

    I'm about to spend some serious coin to purchase my own full choir set of Paul Jernberg's MASS OF ST. PHILLIP NERI. That's my choice. Am I worried about Paul's possible "profiteering" from the Ordo Missae? Guess not. Yes, I'm aware of the Grail thing, not much I can do about it.

    The occasion of anyone asking for recommendations for new resources doesn't seem to me to be a prompt for yet another bash of the Lit "Black Hand." If it's not called for, don't utter the call, period.
  • Dave
    Posts: 64
    The difference is that OCP repackages the same lectionary psalm material, with drastic changes in cover artwork, and sells it every year. All that, even though the text and music have not changed since 1999. OCP also claims that its subscribers should be up to date on the "latest" materials every year, of which Respond & Acclaim has been a staple for decades, even though the material hasn't changed a bit. The only benefit is that it gives the exact date of that year in which the psalm will be used.

    The psalm translation has not changed in fifteen years, and a number of the music settings go back much farther, to 1977.
    Thanked by 1hilluminar
  • ryandryand
    Posts: 1,640
    The only benefit is that it gives the exact date of that year in which the psalm will be used.

    Which is so much less work that checking the USCCB calendar, seeing that tomorrow is the 30th Sunday, and finding the corresponding page in whatever collection of psalms you use.

    I just timed myself doing that, starting from opening a new browser tab and ending when I turned to the psalm for tomorrow. 75 seconds. It would have been even less with a better calendar design... I had to check that it was Year A (I'm not currently employed at a parish so I'm blissfully unaware of that).

    1min 15sec. I am sure that even volunteer musicians have that time in their week to make music selections without being spoonfed the musical junkfood OCP offers.

    Or anyone with a computer can bookmark and ITS RIGHT THERE. No need to be spending the money for OCP. (Maybe even donate a portion of what would be spent on that subscription to help CCW out. No I don't work for them, I just think they do far better work for the church than OCP).

    That process takes 7 seconds to find the music for the psalm or alleluia of any Sunday or other feast date.
    Thanked by 1hilluminar
  • melofluentmelofluent
    Posts: 4,160
  • GavinGavin
    Posts: 2,799
    What Melo said.

    Buy R&A for 3 years, then recycle them forever.
  • Dave
    Posts: 64
    I stand by my claim that OCP effectively misleads many well-meaning church volunteers and musicians into buying the same material every year because they're fed the story that they "need" it, and they buy into it. So yes, they are in a sense duped. Otherwise, if legions of said musicians realized they didn't "need" it, the demand would stop, and OCP wouldn't push it relentlessly in their quarterly publications and other advertisements. Having been a user of their products for many years (and not always by choice), I know well of the regular reminders about "Do you have enough copies of Respond & Acclaim for next year?"

    It's also shameful the way that OCP wastes untold amounts of paper and ink to reproduce a product that could be bought once, as with GIA and WLP or other publishers, or every few years. The same stands for their annual hymnals, also thrown into the garbage by thousands of parishes after the year is up.
    Thanked by 2Spriggo hilluminar
  • melofluentmelofluent
    Posts: 4,160
  • Melo,

    I make a habit of not doubting motives, or even exploring them -- in part because its a morass from which there is little productive to be gained. May I, therefore, ask you to explain your defense of OCP -cum- attack on whining in general and one whiner in particular, because I don't understand the source of the distress.

    If you would rather address the question in PM, I'm happy not wasting Chonak's time and patience in the back-and-forth which might ensue. Since I don't have to deal with OCP ever again, and am not a fan of any of the big three, I don't have a dog in the show, but I'm interested in why someone attacking OCP has got your dander up to quite such an extent.


    Thanked by 1Spriggo
  • Dave, it's the priests that won't change to something other than OCP. They demand it every year for their parishes. I think most musicians are a little more savvy than that.

    Also, the whole push and philosophy behind OCP is that the new Mass would be constantly changing. Hence the yearly throw away materials. That idea has not proven to be the case.
  • It is not that priests want it, it is that no one has succeeded in working to convince them that a change is necessary. They weigh the complaints that they anticipate from the cantors, choir, guitar group and congregation against the reasons we give them for change, and we fail.
    Thanked by 2hilluminar CHGiffen
  • Since OCP GIVES AWAY copies of Respond and Acclaim to its subscribers, and extra copies are what, $2.00 or something like that, it's hard to see it as a money making scheme as much as their perception of convenience.

    That's some conspiracy theory, Dave.
    Thanked by 1Gavin
  • Yes, for parishes that have a subscription for 50+ Breaking Bread hymnals, they get two free copies of R&A and many other free support materials. R&A is only $8.95 a year, which isn't really a money-making scheme. OCP could easily sell it for more.

    I can understand the logic behind keeping saving three copies for the three different cycles, but I think the idea is that most music ministers would rather have the current issue so that everyone is on the same page. It's easier to buy new copies each year with the exact dates of the Psalms and Gospel Acclamations. Also, some cycles are different. For example, All Souls falls on a Sunday this year, and the Psalm and GA isn't normally included in R&A unless it falls on a Sunday. Same thing with the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica. So, in theory, one would have to save more than three copies to cover the entire realm of possibilities.
  • ryandryand
    Posts: 1,640
    So, in theory, one would have to save more than three copies to cover the entire realm of possibilities.

    Or a rough understanding of the calendar, and the courage to ask their pastor if unsure.
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen Gavin
  • melofluentmelofluent
    Posts: 4,160
    Having dispensed with concerns over another poster's remarks I felt were out of bounds, I would like to point out a few other concerns regarding the subject of resources for "responsorial psalms." As MSF likely has dozens of similar threads, I'll try to be concise.
    *An argument for volumes such as R&A is the one most pastors I've known cite for their usage-the obvious placement in their pew missal product. That would be the case whether the supplier is OCP, WLP, St. Augustine, Illuminare, CCW etc.
    *An argument against that model will be concerned with merit of settings, typology (cantor v. choral v. congregation), and lack of flexibility and variety that, like it or not, is a serious concern in the standard AmChurch parish. I'll illustrate this later on.
    *The argument for using "Psalter" sections in permanent hymnals (as an alternative to the directly above concern) addresses variety and presumably artistry.
    *An argument against that is the unfortunate presumption that Guimont, Janco, or the panopoly from Haas/Haugen/Janco/Verdi ad infinatum settings actually detract from the function of the modest form called the "responsorial." Unlike chanting the Gradual, which presumes the meditative disposition as a primary function, singing a metered and hook-laden long response which then can meander for five minutes or more, seems more disabling than enabling to a congregation who will fully engage. The Alstott version of 22/23 is, by that criterium FAR superior to the sentimental inclination to "feather in" "Shepherd me, O God," or "Because the Lord is my shepherd." But the latter examples also have emotional baggage for many PIPs (that's not said as a "bad thing") that I believe keeps them earthbound because of their popular nature. The Alstott is utilitarian, end of argument.
    *An argument for a sort of rotation of independent resources such as AOZ's, Artistotle's or even the SEP's requires a choice as to whether they can be enjoined without a visual copy in hand or projected. Having been disabled from singing yesterday at a Napa parish as all the sandwich songs were from a WORDS only edition of SPIRIT AND SONG (arggh,) it is not reasonable to expect any congregation to sing even the most modest of chanted responses without the notation, round or square in hand or visible.
    *The argument against the immediate above is within the defense above. No notated music available is prima facie inhospitable.

    Lastly, to finish off my experience yesterday of an actual Sunday visit elsewhere, the use of the Alstott setting of "I love You, Lord my strenght" was perhaps the most Catholic-ly corrrect repertoire choice the little worship team (arggh) made. They were competent, if a bit breathily precious. The pianist playing a faux digital grand was more than competent and fleshed out accompaniments with very good discretion. But that R&A psalm was the only thing I could sing yesterday! Ridonculous! But I thanked God for it.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen