PDF Download: WESTMINSTER HYMNAL (Sir Richard Terry)
  • Veronica Brandt has carefully scanned a copy of the 1912 Westminster Hymn Book by Sir Richard Terry, who was Dom Gregory Murray's choirmaster:

    1912 Westminster Hymnal (PDF Download)

    This scan is of a much higher quality than the one made available by ARCHIVE.ORG

    Veronica writes:

    His Westminster Hymnal marked a more scholarly approach to hymnody. The compiler searched out the authentic tunes for each piece, sometimes giving a range of tunes to choose from. The Musical Editor’s Preface goes through a few of the more glaring examples of the decay of hymn tunes. It is well worth reading even just as a snapshot of music in England at the time.
  • To set the record straight, I only scanned in a few extra pages (I think 10). I processed the high res scans on the internet archive - not the pdf but the zipped up jpgs. Along the way I did wonder if it would be easier to scan from scratch, but as I can't remember who lent me the book and I returned it long ago, this was the best I could do.

    There's a program called scantailor which helps straighten the images.

    And there was a bit of editing the images to take out stray blotches.

    And I stuck the word "Old" on the title page, since I was publishing it under that name and createspace is a stickler for having the titlepage match the title.
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen Felicity
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,210
    Veronica, thank you very much for you attention to quality in preparing this scan.
    Thanked by 2veromary Felicity