.Lots of people here use it, it is the best tool available
If you are on Linux, you are probably familiar with LaTeX. Gregorio works in conjuction with LaTeX.
Getting it installed and having all the pieces work together properly is a hassle, but it's definitely the way to go.
Also, you should learn gabc first and use something like this to render it, unless you are already very, very comfortable with LaTeX or generally more technically minded.
name: Feast of All Saints--Introit;
(c4) Gau(c)de(d)a(dh'ix)mus(h.) *(,) o(h)mnes(g) in(f) Do(gh)mi(h)no(hjh.g.) (;) di(f)em(gh) fe(h)stum(h) ce(hj)le(h)bran(hg~)tes(g.h.) (,) sub(h) ho(h)no(h)re(h) Sanc(h)to(g)rum(f) om(gh)ni(g)um(gFED.)
de(f) quo(gh)rum(h) so(h)lem(h)ni(h)ta(h)te(h) gau(hj)dent(h) An(h)ge(hg)li,(g.h.) (;) et(gf) col(gh)lau(h)dant(h) Fi(h)li(g)um(f) De(gh)i.(gFED.)
Ps.(::)Ex(f)sul(gh)ta(h)te(h) ju(hj)sti(h) in(h) Do(h)mi(hg)no(g.h.) :(:) rec(gf)tos(gh) de(h)cet(h) col(hjh)lau(g)da(f)ti(fff)o.(d.) (::)
Glo(f)ri(gh)a(h) Pa(h)tri(h) et(h) Fi(h)li(h)o(h) (,) et(h) Spi(h)ri(hj)tu(h)i(h) Sanc(hg)to(g.h.) :(:) si(gf)cut(gh) e(h)rat(h) in(h) prin(h)ci(h)pi(h)o(h) et(h) nunc(hj) et(h) sem(hg)per(g.h.) (,) et(gf) in(gh) sae(h)cu(h)la(h) sae(h)cu(hjh)lo(g)rum.(f) A(fff)men.(d.)
name: Feast of All Saints--Gradual and Alleluia;
(c4) Ti(d_c)me(d)te(fg) Do(h)mi(h)num(h) om(h)nes(h) san(ix)cti(h) e(g)jus(h.) :(:) quo(h)ni(h)am(h) ni(h)hil(h) de(h)est(h) ti(h)men(h)ti(g)bus(f) e(gh)um.(gFED.)
V/.(::) In(d'fddc~)qui(f)ren(gh)tes(h) au(ix)tem(h) Do(g)mi(h)num(h.) (:) non(h) de(h)fi(h)ci(h)ent(h) om(g)ni(f) bo(gh)no.(gFED.) (:)
(c3)Al(eed~)le(ff)lu(hiHffe~)ia.(e.) *ij.(;) a(defgwhihjijvHF.) (,) a(e_h_f_eFEDeefehhe.) V/.(::) Ve(e)ni(f)te(h) ad(h) me,(h.) o(h)mnes(h) qui(h) la(h)bo(h)ra(h.)tis,(f.) (,) et(h) o(h)ne(h)ra(h)ti(h) e(i)stis(h.) :(:) et(h) e(h)go(h) re(h)fi(g)ci(h)am(f) vos.(e.) (::)
name: Feast of All Saints--Offertory;
(c4)Ju(d)sto(ffghgh)rum(fgf.) *(,) a(f)ni(gh)mae(h) in(h) ma(ix)nu(h) De(g)i(h) sunt,(h) (:) et(h) non(h) tan(h)get(h) il(h)los(h) tor(h)men(h)tum(g) ma(f)li(gh)ti(g)ae(gFED.) :(:)
vi(cd)si(d) sunt(f) o(gh)cu(h)lis(h) in(h)si(h)pi(h)en(ix)ti(h)um(h) mo(g)ri(h.) :(:) il(h)li(h) au(h)tem(h) sunt(g) in(f) pa(gh)ce,(gFED.) (:) al(cd)le(f_g_f_hGFED)lu(cd~)ia.(d.) (::)
name: Feast of All Saints--Communion;
(c4)Be(h)a(h)ti(hvg) mun(hj)do(ji)cor(hi)de,(h.) *(;) quo(h)ni(g)am(f) i(gh)psi(h.) (,) De(h)um(g) vi(f)de(gh)bunt(gFED.) :(:)
be(df)a(gh)ti(g) pa(f)ci(gh)fi(h)ci(h.) (;) quo(h)ni(g)am(f) fi(gh)li(h)i(h) De(j)i(h) vo(g)ca(f)bun(gh)tur(gFED.) :(:)
be(fhj)a(jkl)ti(k_j) (,) qui(j) per(j)se(h)cu(g)ti(f)o(gh)nem(h) pa(j)ti(h)un(g)tur(h.) pro(h)pter(g) ju(f)sti(gh)ti(h)am,(h.) (:) quo(h)ni(g)am(f) ip(g)so(gh)rum(h) est(h) re(h)gnum(g) cae(f)lo(gh)rum.(gFED.) (::)
That's the first link I gave. :)You can test your gabc at my Gregorio web interface, at http://gregorio.gabrielmass.com/ .
You can test your gabc at my Gregorio web interface, at http://gregorio.gabrielmass.com/ .
I've used nothing but Linux on my home computers since 1999, and yet I've always successfully avoided LaTex until now. Maybe no longer, I guess.
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