Norm #16 in Ordo Cantus Missae, on the Agnus Dei, seems to exclude the older form: "The last time, the invocation is concluded with the words dona nobis pacem."
If the Missal or GIRM is silent about a certain practise, it means that, as a rule, it's best to refrain from it.
Personally, I'm leaning towards "yep", because in the OF I can't find anything that says "nope", apart from the direction against troping of the Agnus Dei.
Please be careful with this line of thought. Liturgical law generally is prescriptive and not proscriptive, i.e. it tells you what to do, and not what you shouldn't do. If the Missal or GIRM is silent about a certain practice, it means that, as a rule, it's best to refrain from it.
Similar reasoning could justify fish kites, liturgical dancing or puppets at Mass..
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