Surveying to really find out what music people, including teenagers, appropriate at Mass.
  • I propose that a small group from this forum create a short audio presentation. 10' max.

    Once they work out exactly music will be included, the presentation then would be distributed throughout this forum.

    People then will go and meet with children and adults and do the presentation.

    As the short music examples are played, you ask them to close their eyes (or, pass out blindfolds) and ask them to hold up a hand when they hear music that is, in their thinking, church music. This prevents them from being influenced by people sitting around.

    When you collate the results, there will be an online form for you to fill out, showing the age range of people begin surveyed, what percentage of the music at Mass in the parish is Latin Chant, English Chant, Hymns, Folk and Contemporary.

    Then a simple, one page survey is passed out, each person lists their age from an age range chart, how long they have belonged to the Church and, if converts, what denomination they came from and if they read music - a little, some or very good at it.

    The rest of the page shows melodies for them to evaluate with: Would you sing this? (or some sort of better answer)

    Of course there would english and latin but more importantly, round and square notes.

    Based on that, we can prepare a simple, useful report.

    The music in the presentation should contain examples of the worst and best of Latin Chant, English Chant, Hymns, Folk and Contemporary.

    It should take about 5 minutes. Present at CCD, Knights meetings...any place you can find people.
  • melofluentmelofluent
    Posts: 4,160
    Interesting, compelling and potentially very worthwhile notion, FNJ.
    It would, of course, need local tweeking.
    The first caveat in my mind would be that audio/video/live examples being auditioned by the test group contain option fours (alius cantus aptus/another suitable _____) and choral pieces that are not commonly used at the parish. Why (?), one might ask.
    Because, for example if you take eg. a couple of versions of Ps.91 by Joncas alone, if (as if) a parish already is familiar with OEW, but NOT with "Be with me, O Lord," use the latter as the example of the musical vehicle for the text.
    For anthems, if you choose a chestnut like Pierluigi's SICUT, be sure to contrast it with another choral version like Malcolm Kogut's Ps.42 "Like a Deer" SATB (GIA), so that a distinction is very clear before the "vote" on which is "churchy" is taken.
    So forth and so on.
    Chant examples....? Heilingenkreuz for one cut, Tibetan throat singing monks the other?
  • francis
    Posts: 10,783

    another suitable____ (piece of crap?)
    Thanked by 1PurpleSquirrel
  • francis
    Posts: 10,783

    An excellent idea! Let's definitely do this. And what would you do with the results?
  • irishtenoririshtenor
    Posts: 1,318
    I like the idea. I'd be curious to see the results, especially if it's done with solid methodology.
  • if it's done with solid methodology

    Elucidate...meaning, when I see more than 3 syllables, I freak out. In simple terms lay out the method you suggest, would be helpful to all.

    Results - post them. Submit to bloggers.

    I have just created a discussion to seek out blogger addresses for this purpose.
  • Good idea, speaking as someone who is a little bit and hopes to be a lot later in the business of improving music in a parish on a volunteer basis. It eliminates a lot of older people coming up to you and saying,"Young people don't like that," when they mean they don't like that

  • When they mean they don't like that.

    That is precisely what they mean, and along with it is their assumption that young people are as shut minded and curmudgeonly about learning something new as are they themselves. Young people, in fact, by nature love to learn 'new stuff', find chant interesting, and are happy to know more about their heritage.... until some poisonous someone signals to them that there is something wrong with these things.
  • Oh, there's a lovely guy in his 60s in my parish who thinks that old hymnals have been reprobated and refers to anything old as "pre-Vatican II" and anything he doesn't like as "non-Catholic."

    He also says the Rosary is non-Catholic.

    I originally typed "in his 1960s," which is about right, although it seems to be 1971 that they think was the best year of their lives. Whenever "Sons of God" was written.

    GREAT guy, and a very loyal choir member who sings Chant quite well. He just says these things.

    Another guy, who prided himself on his loyalty to the Catholic tradition,nonetheless, in music, thought young people listened to Bob Dylan. I teach college: there is no "sound" today the way there was when we were young.

    Anyway, before we shoot off on our favorite topic, let's just say that it would be a good idea to have something road-tested, the way Noel proposes.

    Thanked by 1Gavin
  • irishtenoririshtenor
    Posts: 1,318
    In simple terms lay out the method you suggest

    I'm definitely not qualified to lay out the terms for a survey, but there are ways to do it that will minimize bias and include a decent "sample." I'm guessing @CHGiffen would have some insight here.

    Some information:
  • irishtenoririshtenor
    Posts: 1,318
    BTW, I really do think this would be a worthwhile endeavor, and would definitely be better than throwing out a "questionnaire" that says: "Please write down your 5 favorite hymns, as best you can remember them." and then taking that nonsense as anything approaching a representative sample.
    Thanked by 1noel jones, aago
  • I think this type of survey once is a fine idea. Once it is completed the results demand airtime, whether on cable, national networks, youtube, facebook or highway billboards.

    If you want success - if you want to go into the big leagues of power and challenging the status quo - you go to the source of it - the media. Put the results of the survey into a 1 minute commercial format or print/online ad. Than you will not be ignored.

    I'm not so certain there is any one catholic blog that will have enough influence or willingness to bring up this type of topic or be noticed by enough people. (Maybe there is though.)

  • Tibetan throat singing.... Now there's something we haven't tried.
  • You haven't heard CharlesW's choir at their best...
    Thanked by 1irishtenor
  • I'm not so certain there is any one catholic blog that will have enough influence or willingness to bring up this type of topic or be noticed by enough people. (Maybe there is though.)

    There is, and he is a close friend of a priest I worked with closely. Hadn't thought of this until you brought it up, thanks!
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,971
    You haven't heard CharlesW's choir at their best...

    They have their good days, and their bad days. Blessed be the name of the Lord.
    Thanked by 1Gavin