Free Choral Music
  • Please visit my choral music page on Facebook. At this time, most are free on I'm a former choir director and professional singer, retired due to disability, and a 23-year veteran of Paul Salamunovich's choirs at LMU and the LA Master Chorale. My page includes an original motet, Adoro te Devote, two motets by Mendelssohn, a spiritual, and other works. You may download any quantity. I hope you like - and "Like" my page:
    Thanked by 1Choirparts
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,210
    Hi Larry. Good to see you here! Of course, I know you from your contributions at CPDL, but I hadn't realized just what your past experience has been.

    Chuck Giffen
  • Thanks, Chuck! It's been hard to tell if anyone viewed any of my stuff on CPDL - it doesn't give much feedback. I've gotten more serious about it since I can't sing or conduct any more (MS). I'd be grateful for any "likes" on the page and I hope some folks will use the tunes.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • PS - I enjoyed your Rorate Caeli setting. I did my MM thesis on four composers' setting of that text; Palestrina, Schütz, Brahms (O Heiland Reiss die Himmel Auf) and Paul Gibson. Paul's a good friend from LA - he's published by EC Schirmer. I did a re-barred edition of the Palestrina, to clarify text accents. It'll probably be on my page eventually. Such a great text.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen