It was one of those days
  • So, the music director is away on vacation. I arrived an hour early as always to warm up and go over things with the woman who was leading hymns while the director is gone. She finally shows up around 20 minutes before the service starts. Then i hear knocking on the doors and discover they are all still locked, I was not told I was now in charge of opening the building. We are still the only music people there at this point. Finally at ten minutes til, the people in charge of the antiquated and notoriously difficult sound system show up and proceed to fiddle around with that and argue with the hymn leader. As expected she messed up almost every one and thankfully the pastor's wife had a strong enough voice to fix the problems as they unfolded. And to make it even better, I left a book I needed at home and had to pick something else for offertory on the fly. Pastor then takes the opportunity to make a puzzling and somewhat rude comment about it after service, to the effect of "You don't always have to play xyz composer" Dude I literally just pulled this out because I had to think fast and correct my own mistake, maybe silence will be better for you next week??! I will give him benefit of the doubt because he is a very sweet person and sometimes doesn't realize how he says things. He does have an especially particular fondness for Vaughan Williams and it was a complete fluke that I used the piece, it was there and the originally planned piece was at home, so I grabbed it. Maybe he meant "You dont have to play it just for me"? But it didn't come out that nicely. Either way it was a deflating blow after having to hold everything together this morning.
    I love my it...
  • donr
    Posts: 971

    Everyone has days like these, you know it is a full moon tonight.

    Thanked by 1expeditus1
  • Felicity
    Posts: 77
    I congratulate you on "holding everything together"!

    Deo gratias!
  • WendiWendi
    Posts: 638
    Not just a full moon...a supermoon. I also congratulate you on rolling with the punches.
  • Oh yes, I thought that was last night? It's making the Perseid meteor shower impossible to see and we actually have clear skies for once. Stupid moon...Yep, still sore about this morning LOL! Thanks for the kind words y'all...
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,482
    the pastor's wife

    I know this is a side point, but.... I'm confused.

    Thanked by 1Ben
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,997
    Maybe it was the weather. The 8:30 a.m. cantor didn't show up and I pulled in a last minute person who had just returned from vacation. He didn't know the psalm, so I had to play just slightly ahead of him so he could hear the next note. Somehow it worked. Who said there is no stress in music? LOL.
  • I work at a Presbyterian church, Adam. :)
    Thanked by 3Adam Wood Ben kenstb
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,997
    Presbyterians are good folks. I played in a concert at a large Presbyterian church about 3 weeks ago. Large and beautiful organ, gorgeous stained glass, good acoustics, wonderful collection of cookie bakers in the church for receptions, and genuinely nice people. I made the statement, when returning to my Catholic parish where there is never enough money and something continually needs fixing, "I could get used to that Presbyterian church." My choir was in an uproar and said," if you leave, we are coming to get you and drag you back!" It was all kind of funny.
  • melofluentmelofluent
    Posts: 4,160
    I love my groups.
    Not only, against Gavin's smart advice, did we render Fr. Kelly's introit smartly (I reminded them to move their eyes forward as maybe the SEP's had afforded them too much comfort), but they just sang the whole Mass with "honesty and beauty." We don't rehearse summers, but choosing Stainer's "God so loved the world" and their attentiveness to my conducting was transcendent.
    A lady came up about ten minutes after Mass and let me know that she got "we were in the moment" throughout the whole Mass. She was most pleased to know that I knew that, and so did the choir.
    Funny thing is, we don't rehearse "jack" during the summer, including the new Kelly propers (today's Introit was pure bliss.)
    I remarked afterwards to one of my 22 year tenured altos that my goal is to rehearse for two more years (I'll be 65) and then we'll do 5 years totally unrehearsed, including concerts.
    We'll be pentecostalists. ;-)
  • Jeffrey Quick
    Posts: 2,103
    First day on my new gig directing an EF choir, and there's a baptism, AND there was a meeting scheduled for the place we rehearse when we can't rehearse in the choir loft. So nothing to do but wait out the baptism, then make the most of the 10-15 minutes we had. The "motet" went fine in that time, notsomuch in the Mass, but we'll get another crack in 6 weeks or so.
  • Rehearsal space - the Shangri-La of Catholic musicians.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,997
    All our groups have rehearsal space. That is one of the things I make sure of.

  • Gotta love that phrase "the strain of praise".

    Y'know, in The Day Thou Gavest, Lord, is Ended... "nor dies the strain of praise away."
    Thanked by 1StimsonInRehab
  • WendiWendi
    Posts: 638
    We visited another parish for a baptism...there was a saxaphone accompanist...which pretty much says it all I think.
  • kevinfkevinf
    Posts: 1,203
    Took me two years to get rehearsal space----worth every effort.
  • ryandryand
    Posts: 1,640
    We visited another parish for a baptism...there was a saxaphone accompanist...which pretty much says it all I think.
  • About a month ago there were two baptisms at the 12:30 Mass at my church. The families were gathered in the back and waiting for the priest to begin. The cantor that day-a regular one not a sub-started with the usual "Everyone stand and join in singing hymn number blah blah" To which the priest loudly shouted back "EVERYONE SIT DOWN WE WILL NOT BEGIN WITH THE HYMN" Poor guy looked terrified...
    I can count my blessings on having a nice rehearsal space and beautifully restored piano...

    Typical clericalism: why would a priest ever think to tell the musicians of changes in the regular order?
    Thanked by 1MatthewRoth
  • kenstb
    Posts: 369
    That was an example of poor communication skills.
  • Roborgelmeister,

    Surely it's evidence of the utter necessity of two things:
    1) Removing all microphones from churches.
    2) Avoiding any kind of "stage-managing" announcements.


    Thanked by 1MatthewRoth

    I feel so bad for your cantor! So because he wasn't informed beforehand he deserves to be publicly humiliated?

    That reminds me of a funeral I played at when I had very first started playing organ. After I finished the last hymn, I started playing a postlude (nothing fancy, just something as the congregation was walking out) and all of a sudden I hear this booming, drill sergeant-type voice go, "STOP PLAYING!!!!!" Apparently he was supposed to play Taps at the end of the funeral, and of course no one told me anything about that. I nearly cried, I was so mortified.
  • SalieriSalieri
    Posts: 3,177
    That reminds me of a funeral I played at when I had very first started playing organ. After I finished the last hymn, I started playing a postlude (nothing fancy, just something as the congregation was walking out) and all of a sudden I hear this booming, drill sergeant-type voice go, "STOP PLAYING!!!!!" Apparently he was supposed to play Taps at the end of the funeral, and of course no one told me anything about that. I nearly cried, I was so mortified.

    There is no need for that. You are the organist - you are in charge. I would've pulled all the stops and kept going. #keepingitrealintheorganloft
  • Thanks for your support, Salieri! If it happened now I would be furious and have a very serious talk with the priest and funeral director. But at the time I had only been playing for a couple months so I was convinced that I had done something wrong.
  • eft94530eft94530
    Posts: 1,577
    supposed to play Taps at the end of the funeral

    I thought ...
    At church entrance before Mass (remove flag, add pall),
    at church entrance after Mass (remove pall, add flag).
    At cemetery (remove flag, fold flag, present to family, lower casket)
    and Taps happens sometime during these last bits.
  • eft, that's what I always thought, too. I had never seen that happen before and I haven't seen it since. I guess I wouldn't really care, except for the fact that no one TOLD me it was supposed to happen! But I'm over it, I really am... I really am...
  • The cantor held up his hands as if he was being arrested, poor guy. He's our best cantor, too. Sigh. Sorry about your unfortunate experience too, I would definitely cry if someone shouted at me to stop playing!
  • ghmus7
    Posts: 1,489
    That reminds me of a story while in Rome.
    The archdiosean choir were there with myself and our assitant organist offering music for a Cardinals mass at a church that shall be unnamed. I thought it would be nice to have the assistant organist play the postlude, since it was a big deal for her to be in Rome. As she began the postlude, a preist comes running out into the church and literally starts screaming for her to stop. I do not know why. When she did not stop, he went in the sacristy and shut the power off to the church.
    I have other stories about sacristans accepting cash for the use of the church...
  • As she began the postlude, a preist comes running out into the church and literally starts screaming for her to stop. I do not know why. When she did not stop, he went in the sacristy and shut the power off to the church.

    I think the seminaries need to start teaching something like, "Tactful Ways to Deal with Church Musicians 101."
    Thanked by 2Salieri canadash
  • eft94530eft94530
    Posts: 1,577
    ghmus7: shut the power off to the church.

    In 1999 as Y2K voices became shrill,
    I started investigating solar power collectors
    thinking it would be cool to be the only software guy in the neighborhood
    with a laptop still running. Never did anything about it.

    Suddenly I find myself musing about solar power,
    and, for the first time, hand-pumped instruments.
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,997
    I think I would have beaten the hell out of that priest. What a jerk!
    Thanked by 1Gavin
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,482
    I think the seminaries need to start teaching something like, "Tactful Ways to Deal with Church Musicians 101."

    You cannot fix stupid.
  • Good point, Adam.
    Thanked by 1Adam Wood