Can you help with Spanish?
  • AOZ
    Posts: 369
    Can anyone help this individual? Wouldn't know how or where to start...

    Mi nombre es P. _--------------------, soy sacerdote catolico, y estoy buscando informacion sobre como instruir a los encargados del coro en la Parroquia, en donde me puedo informar sobre como ensenarles lo que es el coro al servicio de la Liturgia en la difentetes celebraciones, pues el pueblo de Dios, necesita formacion en este servicio tan hermoso y tan sagrado, pues no es solo tocar instrumentos, sino formarse y prepararse para el servicio del culto en la celebracion y sobre todo en la Liturgia Eucaristica, espero que me puedan dar alguna informacion sobre algun documento de la Iglesia en la que pueda formarme y formar a los feligreses del Pueblo de Dios que se nos ha encomendado.Que Dios los bendiga.

    Write to me at if you can help. I'll pass on contact info to you.
  • My name is P. _--------------------, I am Catholic priest, and I am looking for information on like instructing to the ones in charge of the choir in the Parish, where I can be informed on like embosoming to them what is the choir to the service of the Liturgy in difentetes celebrations, because the town of God, needs training in this so beautiful service and so sacred, because is not only to play, but to form and to prepare themselves mainly for the service of the cult in the celebration and in the Eucharistic Liturgy, I hope that they can give to some information on algun document me of the Church in which it can form to me and form to the feligreses of the Town of God that has itself to us entrusted. That it blesses them to God.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,217

    "My name is Fr. ____; I am a Catholic priest, and I am looking for information on how to instruct the people in charge of the parish choir, in which I can become informed about how to teach them that the choir, in service to the liturgy in the various celebrations, and thus to the people of God, needs formation in this service, so beautiful and so sacred: that therefore it is not only to play instruments without being taught and prepared for the service of worship in the celebration; and about everything in the Eucharistic Liturgy. I hope you can give me some information about any document of the Church that can instruct me and teach the parishioners of the People of God who have entrusted themselves to us. May God bless you."
  • AOZ
    Posts: 369
    So does anyone know of any Spanish language resources to point him to?
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,217
    Well, at least some of the church documents are on-line in Spanish: e.g.,
    Musicam Sacram at

    There's an interesting on-line "encyclopedia of music and the Catholic Church" at
    I haven't looked it over yet to assess how much helpful material it contains, but at least it does contain a page about the CMAA!

    Would it perhaps be helpful to start a category on the forum for discussions in Spanish? There probably are enough CMAA members with facility in that language -- especially among the clergy -- to offer some help.
  • a1437053a1437053
    Posts: 198
    The website remains beholden to the 4-hymn sandwich, with very little apparent knowledge of the documents so frequently discussed here in this forum.

    Un arquetipo actual del canto de entrada es el canto "Qué alegría cuando me dijeron" de Miguel Manzano
  • eft94530eft94530
    Posts: 1,577
    AOZ: "So does anyone know of any Spanish language resources to point him to?"

    A largely complete set of the documents (in Spanish) are listed at this CMAA Forum Discussion
  • Enrique
    Posts: 2
    Hi, my name is Enrique and I am the administrator of "Enciclopedia Cecilia", the website referred above. First, thank you so much for mentioning the website in this forum.

    I might be able to assist the person you want to help. At "Enciclopedia Cecilia" we have a section called "Biblioteca Cecilia" (Cecilia's library), where we are collecting documents in Spanish about the music and the Church, including Musicae Sacrae, Tra le Sollecitudini, Musicam Sacram, etc., and other helpful documents. The link is:

    Finally, a quick response to the comment about the "sandwich..". Please, do not judge the "Enciclopedia Cecilia" project for only a sentence. The idea behind "Enciclopedia Cecilia" is that, by working together, we can collect and share valuable information about the music and the Catholic Church. As you can see, the project use the same engine as "Wikipedia", although more restricted to minimize vandalism. With sadness I have to say that the "collaboration", the "working together" part of the project so far is just terrible. Maybe it can be a good idea for me to start a topic in this forum about the issues I have found so far in the project: you will find them interesting. Now, it's seems that you are having here very mature conversations about the music and the Church. I'll appreciate if you can point me to the problem in the sentence referenced above and to those conversations here that can help me in fixing the article about the opening hymn.
  • G
    Posts: 1,401
    Hello, Enrique, welcome to the forum.
    I can't help with your question, but I hope you will stay and contribute to the discussions here.

    (Save the Liturgy, Save the World)
  • eft94530eft94530
    Posts: 1,577
    Enrique, please introduce yourself a little more
    (you do not need to give details that will uniquely identify yourself).

    Which country do you live in (e.g., United States, ...)?
    Are you a volunteer or employee (paid) in a parish?
    Are you a music director or cantor or choir member or instrumentalist?
    How did you discover this website and forum?
  • BTW "los feligreses del Pueblo de Dios" translates better as the english "the faithful of the City of God". It's a bit idiomatic.
  • Enrique
    Posts: 2
    Thanks for the welcome. I am from Puerto Rico. I am a volunteer. I've been music director and choir member; now I am assisting sporadically at a local parish. I knew about this website a while ago. I discovered this forum doing a search about "Enciclopedia Cecilia".