We started doing Vespers on Sundays about a year ago (one of the requirements of a Minor Basilica).
Bravo to barnabus1898 and company for taking steps to fulfill the obligations of a minor basilica, in particular the obligation to offer public celebrations of Vespers.
How -- seriously -- do you wrap Vespers around Benediction?
FURTHERMORE, my daughter, you should endeavour to assist at the Offices,
Hours, Vespers, etc., as far as you are able, especially on Sundays and
Festivals, days which are dedicated to God, wherein we ought to strive to do
more for His Honour and Glory than on others. You will greatly increase the
fervour of your devotion by so doing, even as did S. Augustine, who tells us
in his Confessions, that in the early days of his conversion he was touched
to the quick, and his heart overflowed in happy tears, when he took part in
the Offices of the Church.
Introduction to the Devout Life, Part II, Chapter XV
A rough outlines of "Vesperdiction":
Exposition - O Salutaris Hostia or some other suitable hymn
Vespers - begins with versacle "O God, come to our aid"
Vespers continues in all parts. Traditionally the priest incenses the congregation during the Magnificat. End as usual, except for the dismissal "Go In Peace"
Benediction begins with Tantum Ergo, continues as usual.
Typically concludes with with a blessing then a hymn of thanksgiving. Selected verses from "HolyGod We Praise Thy Name" but may conclude with Te Deum on Feasts and Solemnities.
What if there is no Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament? Can we still sing the Te Deum for Vespers, even if it is presided by a lay person?
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