Is there, online anywhere, a general index of the Liber Usualis ... that is, not broken down by function, as in the one that's actually IN the LU, but in 1 run a-z, so that one can check the use of a given text without having to look in a half-dozen different places?
What I'm looking for would actually be a cross of Cantus and Gregobase (but more like Cantus). Thanks for the tips. It looks like i'll have to make my own in my copious free time. If I do, it will go online. I'm thinking a Word table with title, function (offertory or whatever) feast, and page number in St. Bonaventure LU. What would be most useful to y'all?
The alphabetical list is nice, but I need something that will tell me which day and liturgical function for a given text in a given piece of polyphony.
Gregobase could be useful in making that. The site has a list of all the chants in the 1961 Liber, with their page numbers. The St. Bonaventure edition is earlier, right? The page numbering is probably consistent for most of the book.
Maybe the folks who operate the site could run a database query to spare you typing it all.
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