Gradual and Alleluia in an Ordinary Form Nuptial Mass- Easter Season

  • I have a pressing question, that I would like to get answered.
    I'm singing at an Ordinary Form Nuptial Mass on Saturday (June 7) that will be using Gregorian Propers. Now in the EF, because we are still in the Easter Season, the gradual will be replaced by an Alleluia. What about the Ordinary Form? My Gradual Triplex only shows the gradual (uxor tua) and Alleluia (mittat vobis), with a couple of alternatives for both, but there is no second Alleluia for the easter season, namely Benedicat vobis, as found in the EF. What should I sing? Is it permissable to just do the gradual (uxor tua) and Alleluia (mittat vobis)?
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,229
    First, the short answer:

    The Ordo Cantus Missae does make the general statement that in Paschaltide one should sing an Alleluia in place of the Gradual. One way to implement that would be to borrow Benedicat vobis, which was the Alleluia for nuptial Masses in the old rite.

    Now, some background:

    The treatment of Masses pro sponsis in the music books is a little puzzling.

    The Ordo Cantus Missae lists two Masses for spouses.

    There is the newly invented Ritual Mass pro sponsis: (listed on OCM, p. 130). this is the widely used option in the Ordinary Form.
    IN. Deus in loco sancto tuo
    IN. Domine, refugium
    IN. Timete Dominum
    GR. Timete Dominum
    GR. Uxor tua
    AL. Mittat vobis
    OF. Immittet angelus
    OF. In te speravi
    CO. Beati mundo corde, with verses from Ps. 33
    CO. Primum quaerite, with Ps. 36.

    And there is the Votive Mass (OCM, p. 168), which is seldom used these days. Perhaps it is offered on anniversaries:
    IN. Deus Israel
    AL. Benedicat vobis
    CO. Ecce sic benedicetur
    (no Offertory chant is listed)

    The situation is obscured because the votive Mass was not listed in the 1974 Graduale Romanum and the Triplex for some reason.

    So if you sing Benedicat vobis, it is still in the official repertoire; you'd be borrowing from the *new* votive Mass for spouses.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • Thanks, that clears things up a bit! lol