• Dear friends: Thank you for this Forum and all the help I have received from your discussions, I feel like I know you all well. I make my first post because need a little more help please with Scribus.

    When I insert the Render Frame I get this message:
    Script file C:\Documents and Settings\Elie\My Documents\gregorio/contrib/gregorio-scribus.lua not found

    I just can't figure it out. Thank you so much!

    Deo gratias!
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    I would suggest rendering the scores as PDF files using the interface on illuminare's server, then including the PDF as an image. I've tried what you're suggesting, and it never seemed to work for me. Meanwhile, hundreds of scores later, my method of externally rendering the PDFs seems to work great.
    Thanked by 1Sancta_Scholastica
  • Thanks for the advice Ben! It seems that is probably the best way to go. Yes, your work is always very nice. I am a little disappointed though, it seemed like such a good idea. Surely there must be a way to make it work.