I doubt very many know that they are supposed to sing. Most see it as a cantor/choir thing. A little explanation from the priest would probably help with that.
Unfortunately, the congregation doesn't have a copy of the sequence in their worship aids. The pastor feels strongly about "pew clutter" so I can't pass copies out. The choir and cantors will sing it.
It is in the Catholic Book Of Worship III. It will be on the "hymn board" but probably not announced. Some will sing along: more will follow along in the book at least. The Easter and Pentecost sequences were used at my parish last year for the first time in ages, may be the first time ever in English.
I am afraid the congregation views the sequence as something else that makes the mass longer. I know the Holy Week and Easter liturgies do wear on the more antsy among us.
I time it at 80 seconds. (The Canadian version Andrew mentions.) I haven't done it as printed before the gospel on Easter Day but have used a metrical version by John G Hibbard sung unaccompanied to the O filii et filiae tune at communion time. It's dated 1993 and it's what used to be printed in our missalettes. So that's been over 10 years now that that's been happening. This year I have a new priest (and no associate) who has made sure there is a mass on every day of the Easter Week so I am tempted to sing the Sequence for each of those days and see how the folks react. For sure we're doing it Easter Monday.
And my copies of Worship IV and Gather III have it. It's in the back with the Sunday psalms, included with the Easter Day responses. The Sequence is part of the lectionary so any aid that has readings should have it, although maybe not with music.
We sang the whole hymn every year. I think ours was two to three minutes. The congregation loves it. A lot of the pips come once a year to Mass, and Easter morning is it. Don't shortchange em.
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