Questions about The Baptism Rite (Help!)
  • a1437053a1437053
    Posts: 198
    In planning for the baptism of our first child. . . (re-posting once more)

    1. Where can I find the Ceremony of Baptism in Latin in the Ordinary Form?
    2. In the Extraordinary Form?
  • a1437053a1437053
    Posts: 198
  • athome
    Posts: 31
    It is in a book titled 'collectio rituum'. If you have access to a fax machine I would be willing to fax them to you.
    I hope this helps.
  • dvalerio
    Posts: 341
    I do not know about the Ordinary Form. The best I can do is to send you the list of propers prescribed by the 1974 Graduale Romanum, in case you do not know which these are.

    Concerning the Extraordinary Form, you can find a Rituale Romanum in Google Books. Only old editions (19th century and older) are available, but I understand that there have been no significant changes (if I am wrong I will be glad to stand corrected). I have a 14MB 1847 PDF edition, for instance.
  • Send me your e-mail address off-list and I'll send you PDF files of the OF. They are too big to upload to our site.

  • a1437053a1437053
    Posts: 198
  • a1437053a1437053
    Posts: 198
    GREAT MATERIAL sent to me,. thanks Mr. Ford!

    One question:

    Does the Extraordinary Form allow for any vernacular?
  • Here's a routine reminder: Be principled not polemical.
  • Checking this thread since we have a new soul ready to make an appearance in a few months. Does anyone have a copy of the most recent Rituale Romanum for the Baptism section? I'm bummed that there is no chant prescribed (one might borrow the Easter Vigil chants, but I guess that's not allowed, though). Thanks in advance.
  • G
    Posts: 1,401

    (Save the Liturgy, Save the World)
  • dvalerio
    Posts: 341
    > Does anyone have a copy of the most recent Rituale Romanum for the Baptism section?

    Only in Portuguese, I'm afraid! :(

    > I'm bummed that there is no chant prescribed

    Actually all prayers (including the one to consecrate water, if needed) are chanted as usual. And the Ritual includes suggested responsorial psalms, alleluia verses, and some antiphons. These, however, were pulled out from the sky, and most of them have no counterpart in the Gregorian chant repertory; the few that do raise puzzling questions, e.g. «Omnes qui» is a suggested antiphon for one of the (possible) processions, but in the Gregorian repertory you'll only find that verse as a communion... Furthermore, rubrics often suggest that something be chanted, but do not say what; or when they do, it is only by way of a suggestion...

    (Notice that this is actually more than you'll find in the EF Baptism rite, which includes no antiphons to sing.)

    > one might borrow the Easter Vigil chants, but I guess that's not allowed, though

    I see no reason why it should not be done: the Ritual keeps on speaking about other «suitable» chants. You could also draw from chants given in the Gradual for the Baptism Mass.

    Btw, in my daughter's baptism, because none of the processions mentioned in the Ritual took place (eveything was done inside the baptistery), we only sang a Sicut cervus tract at the beginning (it's an appropriate psalm as suggested, after all) and a Magnificat (Ravanello's, actually) at the end (as the rubrics explicitly suggest).