The Litany of the Saints on the First Sunday of Lent
  • As encouraged by Paschalis Solemnitatis (1988) # 23, I expect that the Litany of the Saints will be used as the processional in our parish this year for all Masses on the First Sunday of Lent. After it is done, the priest will begin Mass in the usual way from his chair. There is a rubric in the Roman Missal (USA 2011, p. 208) that describes a procession from another location to the church, which puts the Sign of the Cross, Greeting, and extra Collect before the Litany. Does anyone plan to adapt the stational form to the back of the church, as is often done for the Presentation and for Palm Sunday?

    Related question: the Litany of the Saints usually includes the patrons and founders of the local church. In the past, I've inserted the particular titles of the Virgin, both as Patroness of the the United States and of the Americas this way:

    Holy Mary, Mother of God, R. pray for us.
    Queen conceived without original sin, R.
    Holy Mary of Guadaloupe, R.
    Saint Michael, R.

    The words for the particular invocations are taken from the Litany of Loreto, and Litany of our Lady of Guadaloupe.

  • Sounds great to me, Chris.
  • francis
    Posts: 10,899
    you can never over ask Our Lady for her help. we did the litany too this year. (2016)