Chant Tone for the Canticle 1 Timothy 3:16
  • Does someone have a copy of the tone for the canticle from 1 Timothy 3:16 that is part of the First Vespers of Epiphany and the Baptism of the Lord? It seems that it is arranged in a responsorial style. What is the tone used in the new Antiphonale Romanum or in the Antiphonale Monasticum?
  • smvanroodesmvanroode
    Posts: 1,001
    For Epiphany, the Antiphonale Romanum II has the following antiphon, which is repeated after each verse up to the sign ¶ (Quæ antiphona repetitur infra canticum usque ad signum ¶):


    The same procedure is executed for Baptism of the Lord:


    Before the canticle and after the Gloria Patri the antiphon is sung in its entirety (Post Gloria Patri repetitur antiphona integra).
  • smvanroodesmvanroode
    Posts: 1,001
    Now that I have prayed First Vesper, I noticed that Liturgia Horarum has the following for the canticle:

    R/. Laudáte Dóminum, omnes gentes.

    Qui manifestátus est in carne, *
    iustificátus est in Spíritu.
    R/. Laudáte Dóminum, omnes gentes.

    Appáruit ángelis, *
    prædicátus est géntibus.
    R/. Laudáte Dóminum, omnes gentes.

    Créditus est in mundo, *
    assúmptus est in glória.
    R/. Laudáte Dóminum, omnes gentes.

    However, the Antiphonale Romanum II doesn't have the responses:

    Qui manifestátus est in carne, *
    iustificátus est in Spíritu. ¶

    Appáruit ángelis, *
    prædicátus est géntibus. ¶

    Créditus est in mundo, *
    assúmptus est in glória. ¶
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,518
    This is one of the texts in the NT that scholars believe may have been an early liturgical hymn before it was Scripture.