Recomendations needed for vernacular plainsong compilation
  • As a youth who is directing a small schola, I am unable to teach the Simple English Propers throghout the year, and would like to compile a small booklet of some such vernacular chants for repeated use. However, I need to know which antiphons would be most appropriate for repeated use during Ordinary Time, Lent, Easter, Advent and Christmas. Any recomendations would be most gladly recieved. A.M.D.G!
    Thanked by 1noel jones, aago
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,206
    A general note: you can download the SEP for each week from the CMAA website:
    Probably any week's settings could be repeated. The GIRM is generous about permitting you to shift pieces around in the same season.

    You might also find Fr. Samuel Weber's settings useful:
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    You should also consider looking at By Flowing Waters (Ford). It contains seasonal chants , and seems to be exactly what you're looking for.
    Thanked by 1Paul F. Ford
  • Remember that you can always use one of the seven eucharistic antiphons on a rotating basis.

    There are also many seasonal chants that you should consider.
  • If SEP does not have the seasonal in would be a great addition.
  • Thanks for your help. I will be using the Eucharistic antiphons on a rotational basis. As for seasonal chants, where can these be found?
  • matthewjmatthewj
    Posts: 2,698
    The Lumen Christi Missal has seasonal offertories and communions for Ordinary Time that are very good and available free on the website.
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,503
    For Communion there are a few chants that have always been "ad libitum." Psalm 34 is the classic, as well as 65, and I believe 23 and 103 and I think 4 others. (I'm sure someone here has a list.)

    You could use 3 or 4 of these in constant rotation. In other words, if you wanted, you could rotate primarily the Communios, and keep learning as much of the rest of the year as you can.

    If you are really stuck for entrance chants, you could use Hymn Tune Propers. Just google that, and if you like the idea, private message me and I will hook you up.
  • Attached is a very helpful thing that Fr. Weber put together for use at Wyoming Catholic College some years ago. I've got lots of this sort of thing (e.g., booklets for Advent, Lent, Easter, feastdays), but most of the files are too big to upload to the forum. Contact me and I will send you what you're interested in: pak (at)
    Simple Gradual Per Annum IV.pdf
    This could be used with psalm verses before and after it, it would be gregorian mode seven with "A" being the equivalent whats above the do clef if it were in neumes.
    THere's a version of this in neumes too with the same english words but I can not find it.

    "Venite Populi" Fraction Antiphon for the Communion of the People in the 10th century Winchester Troper."

    This is not the original melody but is a harmonized version that many people enjoy. Throughout most of Western europe, before the 12th century one found this type of antiphon used after the Agnus Dei (Lamb of God) and before the Communion chant proper. There were at least three that varied for the major seasons, lent advent, after trinity/pentecost etc. This I believe the one for after Trinity. I really ought to research this further, it is a very good practice that ought to be revived and wouldnt interfere with anything as it is today I dont think.

    This also may be good, I found this was very easy and well loved in a certain roman catholic church in place of some other hymns, and serves as a good bridge when introducing chant. It is actually rusyn melody from the byzantine rite. Once again, it is not chant notation, but it could be put into it (I have would add two or three sharps/ flats into the neumes, even though it technically breaks the rules). It's normally used during matins in the byzantine rite and has several other very different melodies depending what country or culture is using it.
  • Many thanks to all the generous replies! It is good to have so many resources available,