Prayer Request
  • I a requesting prayers for discernment as I am seriously considering leaving the music ministry. I have been going as a volunteer for two years and am getting burned out. Don't get me wrong, I love what I am doing with the ministry, but I have a full-time day job with a round trip commute that takes more than three hours, as well as responsibilities to my family and chores around the house. I need to drop something, and it appears the music ministry is the only one where I have a real choice.

    I hesitate to resign for two reasons: 1) the reforms I have introduced (such as emphasizing organ-based hymns and the introduction of the SEP) have been quite well received by both the clergy and the PIP's (in contrast to the experiences of others who have posted here), and 2) I was first inspired to volunteer based on an insight received during Adoration. Unfortunately, I don't have the option of returning to adoration (before the Blessed Sacrament exposed), so I will have to discern what to do apart from that.

    While I recognize that it is quite common to feel burned out at this time of year, I would appreciate any prayers you may have that will help me make a decision that conforms to God's will. Thank you.
  • Praying for you!
    It does sound like you have a lot on your plate right now. Family matters take up a LOT of time, and when you throw in a commute... I just wonder how you could have got the courage to enter the music field in the first place!
    If finding Eucharistic Adoration is not possible, maybe you could make a short retreat?
    Thanked by 1Torculus
  • canadashcanadash
    Posts: 1,510
    I am sorry. There is nothing wrong with taking a break. Perhaps you could talk it over with the music director and see if there is some way you could help in the meanwhile, just to keep yourself "in it" so to speak. Prayers. God bless.
  • Carl DCarl D
    Posts: 992
    Prayers are with you.

    Definitely take the long view - don't feel guilty about taking a detour or sabbatical. And be open to the possibility that the Spirit is leading you to something even more important.
  • Jani
    Posts: 441
    What the first three said. Don't feel guilty and no "what ifs."
    Thanked by 2R J Stove Torculus
  • R J StoveR J Stove
    Posts: 302
    Sorry you've had to do all that work, Torculus, while being a volunteer ... I always say, the two hardest but most necessary words for a church musician to keep on uttering are "Rerum Novarum."
    Thanked by 1Torculus