hi i am looking for someone carmelites musics as: "singularis, eia carmeli, rosa carmeli, and the music proper Sta Teresa (carmelite) as Dant Mihi, Alellúia declaratio, dedit tei, e and hymn as Dum Crucem, Anyone know where i find it or has it?
The distinction between the Carmelites (of the Ancient Observance) and the Discalced Carmelites should be born in mind. The Carmelites had their own Rite at the time of Trent, and under the terms of that Council maintained it until 1972, when they adopted the Mass of Paul VI. The Discalced adopted the Tridentine Rite from the word go (at the end of the 16th century). One of these days I will get off my hind quarters and visit the nearby Carmelite library, to compare and contrast the music.
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