Gradual in OF
  • SMR
    Posts: 13
    I would like to have our choir sing the Gradual for the feast of Saint Cecilia in the Ordinary Form, but I am not sure where I would find it. Is it the same as in the EF? Thanks!
  • Yes, same Gradual... with one little exception: the Graduale Romanum 1961 gives a dot a the third note of the torculus at the incipit Audi filia when the Graduale Romanum 1974 or Triplex 1979 does not have the dot. But it makes sense to lengthen this note: end of the incipit, before the star.
    Otherwise: same Introit, same Alleluia, same Offertory, same Communion.
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    While in this case, they are the same, you may find it helpful to purchase the Graduale Romanum, which is like the Liber, but for the ordinary form (more or less). If you're regularly going to be doing the OF, you will find it very helpful.
  • Or failing that, the Gregorian Missal, but this only has Sundays and major feasts and solemnities.
  • Or failing that, the Gregorian Missal, but this only has Sundays and major feasts and solemnities.

    It also has no music for the verses (or even citations) of the antiphons/graduals/Alleluias.
  • Is there an approved English Translation of the Graduals from the Graduale?
  • The closest is probably the translation from the 1965 Missal. That's what we use.
  • SalieriSalieri
    Posts: 3,177
    It also has no music for the verses (or even citations) of the antiphons/graduals/Alleluias.

    Que? Is this something new with the New Gregorian Missal? (The original Gregorian Missal has the music printed exactly as in the Graduale Romanum.)
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,469
    It has the music exactly for the items it includes, but it does not include all the items.
  • quilisma
    Posts: 136
    I think that Mr. Motyka is referring to the 1961 Gradual, which does not have the biblical references for the propers. These are present in the Gregorian Missal as well as in the 1974 Gradual. What the 1974 GR has, which is not in the GM, is the appropriate psalm/canticle to use as verses after the communion antiphon.