There is a set of tones for introit psalms (which may be what you meant, in which case, I apologize; I didn't intend to quibble). Those can be found here as applied to the text of the Gloria Patri.
For the benefit of anyone who does not already know:
The introit psalm tones have two parts, A and B;
Because the Gloria Patri divides naturally into three parts, the tone is applied to those parts thus: A (Gloria Patri...Sancto): A (Sicut semper,): B (et...Amen.)
So to get the psalm tone, just take the formula for "Gloria Patri...Sancto" for A and the formula for "et...Amen" for B and you're all set.
Yes this is what I was looking for. I've always heard them referred to as "solemn tones" to differentiate them from the "simple tones" of the office. Still a basic sketch showing the intonation and cadences without any text similar to the simple tone sheet above would be helpful to for copying pasting into a document with a pointed psalm text to give to the choir/cantor.
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