Men's Schola Seeks Male Singers in Nashville, Tennessee, Area.
  • WJA
    Posts: 237
    Five-year old men's schola seeks male singers in Nashville, Tennessee, area.

    Men's Schola Seeks Male Singers in Nashville, Tennessee, Area.

    The schola, which has been in existence for five years, sings at ordinary form and extraordinary form masses at the Church of the Assumption in Nashville, Tennessee, on Sundays and holy days, plus the occasional wedding or funeral (the latter performances fund the grog supply; see below). The schola presently has six voices (having lost one to the priesthood and one to the pursuit of marriage—yes, yes, we know, what kind of priorities are those?) and would like to grow.

    The schola sings Latin and English plainchant exclusively, not because we have anything against polyphony but because we don't have enough girly men tenors or enough voices, period. Also, chant is way easier. (Joking about the tenors; I can play a tenor on a good day, and we'd love to have some more tenors!)

    Candidates must be men who are practicing Christians or catechumens (or who are at least seriously interested in learning more about Jesus Christ) and must willing to practice weekly on Thursday evenings at 7:30 p.m. for about two hours. Ability to read music a plus. Ability to read chant notation an even bigger plus.

    Schola members who attend practice receive one tot of grog as long as we haven't run out. Any member who dies will receive a free Requiem Mass (OF or EF, at his option), but the last one standing is on his own. The position is otherwise uncompensated.

    Despite the irresponsible tone of this posting, we are serious about sacred music. Besides being a great opportunity to worship the Most Holy Trinity by singing the sacred music of the Church, the schola is an excellent men's group and opportunity for fellowship.

    If you are interested, please send me a private message and ask me about our special 30 Day No Commitment Trial Offer™.

    Please feel free to forward this posting to others.

    (Note to sitemaster: I didn't apply the "Job Openings" label to this post because it's a (mostly) uncompensated position, [though seriously, we do have really good grog]. Please let me know if I should have and I will repost, or maybe you can just re-label.)
    Thanked by 1Ben
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,485
    Can men older than five join?
    Thanked by 2Ben shawnk
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    5 year olds are hardly men.
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    Dang, adam beat me to it.
  • WJA
    Posts: 237
    5 year olds are hardly men.

    Which is why "5-year old" clearly modifies "schola" and not "men's." I nevertheless kick myself.

    No grog for you!
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    If you let 5 year old men join the schola, you'd have no trouble hitting high notes.
    Thanked by 1shawnk
  • WJA
    Posts: 237
    If you let 5 year old men join the schola, you'd have no trouble hitting high notes.

    No five-year olds allowed, unless they can hold their grog.
  • This is a great group, very friendly, studious, enthusiastic and well-led - I've heard them and met them...and they sing in a loft in the back of a glorious church.

    Let everyone you may know in the Nashville area about this schola.

    Nashville, TN Women: Unite and storm the loft to force polyphony on these guys!

  • Hi
    I just recently moved to Nashville and also just noticed your posting. If you ever again consider admissions to your schola, please consider talking with me. I have had some experience singing in a schola and have attended two chant workshops in the recent past. I especially like the grog inducement.

    Thank You
    David Joseph Weir
  • I can't speak for WJA, but I've never known a schola to turn down a qualified applicant. Speaking of which, anyone want to sing the Latin Mass in Akron OH?
  • WJA
    Posts: 237
    @crimthan: just sent you an email. Thanks for your interest.
  • MatthewRoth
    Posts: 2,482
    Reviving this thread because we are recruiting again and I feel that the flyer can be used as a template by others. If any people from Nashville or who talk to a buddy who happens to be moving here have questions, send me a message. Experienced chant singers of the propers are welcome. Weddings will be well-compensated, and we sing all of the tracts with at least some of the full verses. If not so experienced at this time, that’s OK too. We will work with men with some or no experience to develop the requisite musicality and spirit of prayer (and as our pastor reminded us, friendship in a special way for our schola). There’s especially a place at Vespers for chant novices. Those are also rehearsed on Tuesdays 99% of the time.

    (People might object to the Levitical bit, but it’s a satisfactory way of answering “why a men’s schola?”)

    Please pray for our growth and for the completion of the work in the church. The organ is being installed as you read this!
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen