Director of Music - St. Patrick Church, Ann Arbor, MI
  • OSPjob
    Posts: 2
    St. Patrick Catholic Church, Ann Arbor, is seeking a qualified candidate to work as a part-time Music Director and Organist (15-20 hours/week.) If desired, the position might be supplemented with unrelated work at the parish office. Salary is flexible with experience.

    Proficiency at the organ, experience directing choirs, the ability to cantor, familiarity with Roman Catholic Church documents on music and the liturgy, and a working knowledge of Gregorian chant is required. Familiarity with the Extraordinary Form of the Mass and pronunciation of ecclesial Latin is highly recommended. Responsibilities include one weeknight choir rehearsal, three weekend Masses, one weekend choir rehearsal, additional seasonal rehearsals, additional yearly liturgies including Masses on Holy Days, holidays, First Communion, Confirmation, a monthly Extraordinary Form Mass, and twice-yearly penance service liturgies. There is additional compensation for weddings and funerals.

    St. Patrick is a small but historic parish that is committed to fulfilling the ideals set by Vatican II in continuity with the Church’s rich spiritual tradition. Please send a cover letter and resume to or 5671 Whitmore Lake Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48105
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,235
    [closing the thread to comments as is our custom]

    [The position has been filled.]
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