Presentation and composition
  • GetUp
    Posts: 2
    Hello everyone,

    First a short presentation. My name is Bernard Duc, I am Swiss but I am currently studying film scoring at Berklee College of Music, in Boston. I am 21, catholic, I have been altar boy during more than 13 years, principally in the OF but also in the EF, and I love beautiful liturgy with beautiful music. That's why I immediately accepted when the conductor of my parish choir asked me if I wanted to compose a offertory for the Assumption mass; even if I was self-taught, I had never written for choir and actually only completed one composition (yes, the conductor was brave). But I composed it, and the choir sung it for the Assumption.

    The composition is for six voices, SSAATB, on the text "Assumpta est Maria in coelum, gaudent angeli, collaudantes benedicunt Dominum. Alleluia."

    Here is an audio mock-up, unfortunately I couldn't record when it was performed during the mass. Do you also want the score?

    Comments or questions are welcome.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,145
    Thanks, and welcome, Bernard. I enjoyed listening to the audio. If you have a PDF score you'd be able to post, I'm sure that other readers would be interested to see it. (If you do post one, please let us know if you grant permission for performance, copying, etc.)

    Since you're in Boston, I should mention several of our forum members are in the area, including Richard Clark, music director at St. Cecilia Church, very close to Berklee.
    Thanked by 1GetUp
  • GetUp
    Posts: 2
    Here is the score. I grant permission for performance, but please tell me that if you perform it. I don't grant permission for copying.

    And yes, St. Cecilia is almost Berklees' church (we have classes in the basement of the church) and the choir is awesome, even if personally I prefer to go to St. Clement Eucharistic Shrine.
    Thanked by 1chonak