Commons from the SEP
  • Attached: Introit and Communion from the SEP for the Common of Holy Men. I have added Alleluias and the note (ET) (Easter Time?) in latin this would be TP - Tempus Paschali.

    In my own choir we tend to use the chants only for the introit and communion and have an offertory motet. There would usually be a hymn after the communion chant. However, our usual sung mass is on a Tuesday and when various saints' days coincide, it isn't a simple case of downloading the SEP chants for that particular week. I was able to pull chants for St Teresa of Avila for yesterday.

    Anyway, if anyone else finds it useful, I've made a PDF document (A4, 2 pages) for the Common of Holy Men. I'll put up other commons as I finish them. (I did have Common of BVM and Votive Masses of the Holy Spirit done the same way somewhere!)