The most embarrassing thing I've written (what about you?)
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,469
    Lead sheet here, with verses.

    I can't believe I thought this was a good idea once.

    2006 seems like a lifetime ago.

    Anyone else want make a true confession?
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,971
    Let the beatings begin. They are long overdue.

    However, a lot depends on where you were and what you were doing in 2006. That could make a world of difference.
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,503
    White boy blues indeed!!!!
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,503
    Once I wrote:

    As the queen of Sheba came to Solomon
    Camels heavy laden under gifts of balm...

    But, she actually brought spices!
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,469
    However, a lot depends on where you were and what you were doing in 2006. That could make a world of difference.

    I was in a Contemporary choir/band that served a Sunday Evening pre-youthgroup Mass. I would occasionally write responsorial psalms. If I dug around my old files some more, I could probably find others like that, though none with such a ridiculously liturgically inappropriate style marking.
  • Mark M.Mark M.
    Posts: 632
    My true confession? It has to do with a saxophone. And that's all I'll say.
    Thanked by 1Adam Wood
  • Send it to OCP, they would just love it, and you could be one of the next big composers doing Spirit and Song clinics around the country. hahah
    Thanked by 2CharlesW bkenney27
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,469
    Send it to OCP, they would just love it, and you could be one of the next big composers doing Spirit and Song clinics around the country. hahah

    My greatest fear in airing this stuff is that someone will see it and think it's a good idea...
    Thanked by 2francis bkenney27
  • I know, I should have put that in purple, sorry
  • matthewjmatthewj
    Posts: 2,698
    THIS is why you're "the other Adam"...
    Thanked by 2Salieri Adam Wood
  • SalieriSalieri
    Posts: 3,177
    I recently found a number of aweful pieces of juvenalia (my filing system is the same one that Adam described some time ago). I remembered some of the titles and remembered thinking they were wonderful way back when - I began to play through one and started laughing. I'll have a look through and see if I can find the 'best of the worst'.
  • I once wrote out a Boyz-II-Men-style rendition of "We Remember," with the intent to record it for my wife as a gag gift. Even I won't go that far for comedy, though.
    Thanked by 2BruceL expeditus1
  • mrcoppermrcopper
    Posts: 653
    My numbering system started at 1 and is now at 576, so I have a lot of candidates for very bad pieces. I can see your example, actually, as being musical and usable in the right music.

  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,206
    The wellsprings of grace are infinitely deep.
  • ryandryand
    Posts: 1,640
  • don roy
    Posts: 306
    i tried being bob dylan for a couple o months back in the 80s. thankfully the 2 :"songs'
    i wrote have dissapeared
    Thanked by 1chonak
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,503
    By the way, must these confessions have to do with music? Could we be embarrassed by letters, graffiti, tattoos, etc?
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,469
    By the way, must these confessions have to do with music? Could we be embarrassed by letters, graffiti, tattoos, etc?

    It does say "written." And I would hate to miss out on an embarrassing anecdote.
  • Hmm, I entered (and did not win) a contest for a new alma mater for Case Western. Unlike the winner, it did not sound like an alma mater; it sounded like a 1960s TV theme.

    As for liturgical music, I've written things that worked better or worse, but the most inappropriate thing I ever did was a solo for a Christian Science service, set in my native-Lutheran style. Every time the text mentioned darkness or pain. I lurched leftwards on the circle of 5ths. In the liturgical context, it was like ripping gigantic farts, because none of that stuff is really real to them.
  • Shhhhh! In my LifeTeen Diva days I wrote two P&W songs.
    Sometimes I still sing them when no one is around.

    I think they prob do fall into the category of "decent enough for some people to want to publish". But I hide them, mostly.
  • Someone might find them and send them to a publishers.
    Do you think that you ought to burn them?
    After all,
    it is well know that Brahms destroyed everything of his that wasn't up to (his) snuff.
    Thanked by 1TheUbiquitous
  • DougS
    Posts: 793
    My dissertation has a big fat typo on page 1. But I guess I shouldn't be too embarrassed since virtually no one will read it.
    Thanked by 1Kathy
  • After all, it is well know that Brahms destroyed everything of his that wasn't up to (his) snuff.

    As did Durufle. It is truly a tragedy that the world doesn't have more of his music.
  • CGM
    Posts: 692
    I once wrote a responsorial Gloria that sounds like a cross between the Raiders of the Lost Ark theme and the punchier parts of Carmina Burana. (The writing isn't that bad, actually - but I haven't used it in a Mass in over ten years, and I'll never program it for a liturgy again. A *shudder* responsorial Gloria...?)
    Thanked by 1Kathy