Music for Memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary
  • Our school is celebrating Mass on Monday, October 7 which is the Memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary. It appears that the Responsorial Psalm is actually taken from John?! Does anyone know of a musical setting for that? I don't remember it occurring in the three-year Sunday Cycle which means it wouldn't be in Respond & Complain* or the Chabanel Psalmody.

    Also, does anyone know what the Proper verse for the Alleluia is? I'm assuming I can take one from the Common of BVM?

    *I can't take credit for this. I stole it. And I love it.
  • The Alleluia verse, according to iBreviary is from John 13:34.

    "I give you a new commandment:
    love one anaother as I have loved you."

    However, I dont have my lectionary handy, so I can't confirm it.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,229
    The weekday psalm is from Jonah; the proper psalm for the memorial is the Magnificat. But neither antiphon is used on a Sunday.
  • Ah! Thanks.
    Right, so I should go with the Magnificat for the psalm since it is a Monday this year. Perfect.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,229
    Huh? I'm not sure you read me right: you're not going to find music for the antiphon easily because neither the weekday antiphon nor the proper antiphons (two options for that) happen to be used on a Sunday.
  • Oh! I see what you're saying. I read your last sentence without thinking. It has been a long day....
    I DID find a responsorial setting of Luke from Year B (Advent III). It's not the exact Antiphon, but it's the same scripture so I might go with that unless I find something better.
  • I worked last year at a parish named Our Lady of Victory, and since the feast fell on a Sunday last year, our priest was able to celebrate that feast instead of the Sunday in Ordinary time. I am sure I set the responsorial psalm for the feast, but I can't find it right now. Here are propers for that feast, in the style of the Simple English Propers. I will keep looking for the psalm . . .
    SEP - Our Lady of the Rosary.pdf
    Thanked by 2bkenney27 EvaS
  • Oh, thanks!