Hymns for...?
  • Does anyone know where to find sheet music to this Hymn?

    EDIT: Apparently Sr. Scholastica whom I've contacted would like this hymn to remain private and only as a recording. I believe we have to pull it from the forum.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,229
    On the album, it's attributed as "By a Benedictine". Perhaps it is an unpublished work of one of the sisters.
  • It could be but it also sounds strangely familiar.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,229
    Yes; the litany isn't hard to find, but the text of the refrain isn't turning up from any net searches I undertake.

  • Anyone remember the text?
  • Try this on for size. I doubt its %100 correct note-for-note and word-for-word, but it's close. Best wishes to you.

    EDIT: The Sisters have spoken. The music comes down. If you've downloaded it already, please don't circulate it.
    Thanked by 1expeditus1
  • Thank you, NathanReich, for posting this. I would certainly like to use it in March.

    Is there an error in the text of the soprano line,"Faithful Guardian of all the Virgins, Intercede for us, we say thee?" Is it meant to be "we pray thee," like the phrase which immediately follows it?
  • I really like this -- have been hoping to find something like this ....I think it's beautiful. Thanks Nathan.
  • You're very welcome. Expeditus, "pray thee" would certainly make more formal sense, but in the recording there's a distinct s around 0:20 that makes one wonder.


    Regardless, attached is a PDF with the text changed from "say thee" to "pray thee".

    If you use this transcription, I strongly encourage you to make a donation to the Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles.


    EDIT: The Sisters have spoken. The music comes down. If you've downloaded it already, please don't circulate it.
  • Yes, Nathan, I see what you mean about the distinct "s" sound in the recording. Thanks for the new posting though.

    The CD's which the Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles make, are fantastic. I'm looking forward to hearing their new February 2014 release: Lent at Ephesus. This is one religious order that I could joyfully donate to.

    EDIT: NathanReich, I have just read your edited comment above.
  • aria
    Posts: 85
    You probably already know this but they do have some sheet music available: http://benedictinesofmary.org/content/sheet-music . I don't see the piece you're looking for listed, but it may be forthcoming. (I emailed them about their original song, "My Mercy" and was told it would be coming in the future along w/ some others but they didn't specify which ones).

    Edited: I just re-read your post and see you've already contacted them... sounds like they aren't planning to publish the one you wanted; that's too bad. Maybe if enough people request it...?