Evangelia Cantata: the gospels notated for singing
Eugene Lindusky's Tricinia Sacra collection--Now online!
  • Heath
    Posts: 971
    This collection of 3-pt Latin motets was brought up on the forum awhile back. Intrigued, I ordered it through inter-library loan and fell in love with it. Mr. Lindusky had assembled and edited a collection of Renaissance pieces for TTB choir (can be used SSA, of course) in the mid-60s, which, I presume, quickly fell into disuse with the shift in liturgical music tastes at that time.

    I contacted WLP, who told me that the rights had been returned to Mr. Lindusky's widow. I found her address and asked about the possibility of scanning the book and allowing it to be put up online for the benefit of choir directors everywhere. She graciously agreed.

    Paul Ford scanned his own personal copy and Richard Chonak massaged it and tossed it up on the CMAA site. Here it is, in all its glory:


    (Note: Takes awhile to download)

    Thanks to Paul, Richard and to Mrs. Lindusky for their generosity!
  • Are there midi files for each piece?
  • Cebuano - PM me
  • Here's a routine reminder: Please stay on the original topic of the thread.
  • How did I never stumble upon this thread before? I started a thread about an old Lindusky manuscript we had in our archives that was written for my previous parish. I engraved the work, but never published it because I couldn't figure out who to contact.