Ignore this post
  • RagueneauRagueneau
    Posts: 2,592
    Ignore this post: I couldn't figue out how to delete it
  • Figueing is such a pain....
  • No way am I ignoring it, not until you or someone comments on my American Gradual post.
  • Oh. I read this AFTER posting on the American Gradual post, so it had no influence over my decision to do so.

    I guess my mind was in a figue state.
  • As long as we are on a light note:

    This post, by the way, definitely verges on the politically incorrect. My apologies beforehand.

    During a recent chant workshop Chant Maven Mary Weaver mentioned that Blessed Herman the Cripple composed a famous chant...I believe it was Salve Regina. My own favorite Blessed is Notker Balbulus, chant expert who's affliction is also reflected in his name.

    During the night it struck me that both of these holy men were blocked from sainthood for political correctness...for what the addition of their names would do to the Litany of Saints:

    Saint Herman the Cripple,
    Pray for us!

    Saint Notker the S-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-t-t-t-t-tuterer,
    Pray for us.

    And I pray for forgiveness. And hope that the Blessed in Heaven are laughing with us.
  • I guess that rules out: Jeffrey Tucker the Blabbing Blogger
  • GavinGavin
    Posts: 2,795
    Figue: Cross between a Fugue and a Gigue. See also: Gugue.