I am putting together an exhibition which will teach the public the (truth) about angels. I will be using art developed for this show and music to highlight the art. I am looking for music that has been composed about the angelic realm, taken from the body of chant, but also from the greek and byzantium theology (e.g. Synaxis of the Angels) and other contributions rooted in Catholic theology. If possible, pleas post links to manuscripts including pictures, music scores and theology or other helpful information on angelology. Thanks for your help.
Yes. Will highlight the nine choirs/three tiers, the seven archangels (by name and charism).
Music will include, Prayer to St. Michael, The Angelus, The Missa de Angelis, August Queen of Heaven, Chaplet of St. Michael, The Cherubic Hymn, (tnx Adam), Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones. Then I am composing an Angelic Fugue, including an ascending row of nine tones (NOT ATONAL!!!!), Litany of the Holy Angels...
Theology from the Summa and from the Orthodox branch.
Francis, Have you heard the CD "The Feast of Saint Michael and All Angels at Westminster Abbey"? James O'Donnell directs the choir in many of the standards Latin & English. It contains Dering's "Factum est silentium", Sir Michael Tippet's "Plebs angelica", an English setting of "Psalm 90/91: Qui habitat" by Sir Walter Alcock, which is an excellent alternative to OEW, a very nice performance of Langlais' "Messe solennelle" and much more. Check it out.
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