Dedication of new Adoration Chapel
  • Hello. Our church is well underway with construction of a new Perpetual Adoration Chapel. We are hoping to have the dedication by our Bishop in a few months. Does anyone have ideas for music at the Dedication? I am the new DM and really want this to be special. We have several choirs at the church - but we are pretty traditional. The dedication will likely be during Advent. Thank you for your help!
  • Some chanted version of Quam dilecta tabernacula tua.
    Sir Charles Parry's I was glad when they said unto me
    Te Deum, or all 7 verses of Holy God, we praise Thy Name
    I think you'll find a polyphonic setting of the Adoro te ?Viadana

    You want a full-throated chanting of Pange Lingua as the Sacred Host is brought for the first time to the chapel. Maybe Lauda Sion?
  • i believe the music that should be sung is outlined in the church documents for this.


    Doing the psalms that are required can cause you to be fired.
  • How about Locus iste by Bruckner? He composed it for the dedication of the Votive Chapel at Linz Cathedral.
  • Noel,

    I went looking for "the church documents for this" --- and I'm putting my bucked in a dry well. Do you have something specific in mind?
  • This is my first time posting on this site...thanks for the ideas. This is great! I was going to look through the church documents tomorrow...because I didn't know there was an outline for this. That will help.
  • Liam
    Posts: 5,128
    One helpful reference that is part of a complete run-through the related rites of dedication of churches and altars:
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,210
    You might try Thomas Crecquillon's Vidit Jacob scalam.

    See this page at CPDL for the original SATBarB and transposed ATBarBB versions. The original pitch version is attached so that you can follow along with the video performance.

    Genesis 28: 12, 17.

    Jacob saw a ladder, the top of which touched heaven, and angels were descending on it. And he said: "Surely this place is holy. Alleluia."

    F11-Vidit Jacob Scalam.pdf
  • Back when I was involved in the dedication of a church already in use we had an Adoration Chapel in it that was also already in use so there was discussion about what was involved....and for some reason it got complicated so we had to consider a separate dedication of the we had to read up on the proper way to do this if necessary - can't recall the details, but I think it included different psalms. The best reference we found for all of this was:

    I would look this up but this book was stored away in a chest of things that I am sure I never ever have to use's not a scholarly tome, but instead extremely practical.

    Do a search in this group on Dedication - there were a number of useful threads in the recent past.