SEP for St. Francis
  • AJS
    Posts: 2
    Can anyone tell me where i can get english propers for the feast of St. Francis (10/4)?
  • smvanroodesmvanroode
    Posts: 1,012
    You can ask Ben Yanke, who has the proper of saints composed in the style of SEP. This collection is almost complete, but not yet published. Just send him a note (contact information is on his website).
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,109
    I don't know if I'd say almost complete, when it comes to the proper of saints. The proper of time is just a hair away from being done. The proper of saints is about 1/3 done.

    The first two are duplicated in SEP, the last one is an adaptation by Aristotle Esguerra that I have in my files. The translation is from 2011 RM. I don't have time to typeset verses, but here is the antiphon. Maybe if you are having trouble with the verses, another user could point and typeset them.

    Sorry I didn't see this before when you emailed me! I looked in the wrong file!

    Int: Nos autem gloriári (SEP 395)
    Off: Véritas mea (SEP 358)
    Com: Fidélis servus et prudens, verses from Ps 111 (112)


    (c3)T{His}(hi) is(i) the(i) stew(i){ard},(i) (`) faith(i)ful(i) and(g) pru(i){dent},(i) *(,) whom(i) the(j) Lord(k_) set(j) o(k//)ver(j) his(h) house(ij){hold},(i) (:) to(ig) give(hi) them(h) their(h) al(h)low(h)ance(g) of(f) food(h) (,) at(h) the(f) pro(gf)per(g) {time}.(e) (::) (ir////////j//k//i.)(:)(hr//////////j//i.)(::)

    Fidélis servus et prudens.pdf
  • AJS
    Posts: 2
    Thanks Ben. I see there was a string on this started by barnabus1898 some time ago. chonak had the same answer you did. Where do the missalette companies get the antiphon's they have for the introit and communion chant?
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,177
    The antiphons in the missalettes are taken from the Roman Missal. They were only designed for use as spoken texts, to be recited when there is no song for the entrance or the communion. (However, in the U.S. it is also permitted to sing them.)

    They match the antiphon texts from the Graduale Romanum (and therefore the SEP) sometimes.
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,109
    Ideally, when you have sung propers, the texts should be from the Graduale Romanum, or translations of those texts. While the roman missal antiphons often match, I only used it because it was a translation of the GR, not because it was the missal antiphon for the day.