Falsobordone for Men's Voices
  • Dear friends, I wonder if anyone is aware of a collection of falsibordoni (fauxbourdon)(falsobordone)(faburden) psalm tones for men's voices. Either arrangements or composed.

    Thank you!
  • SalieriSalieri
    Posts: 3,177
    I have some that I've worked on. I'll see if I can up-load them later.
  • SalieriSalieri
    Posts: 3,177
    Here are some of the Falsobordone that I've worked on. They are for TTB choir.

    I'll include the Psalms for Sundays, Psalms for BVM, also a set of slightly ornamented chants, a settings of Deus in Adjutorium and a Mode VIII Magnificat. I hope this might be helpful.
    Falsobordone Chants for Three Part Men's Voices (TTB) Part I.pdf
    Falsobordone Chants for Three Part Men's Voices (TTB) Part II.pdf
    Falsobordone Chants for Three Part Men's Voices (TTB) Part III.pdf
    Falsobordone Chants for Three Part Men's Voices (TTB) Part IV.pdf
    Deus In Adjutorium Meum Intende - Festal Tone.pdf
  • Here are two alternatim settings of the ICET Magnificat that are compatible with the tones found in The Mundelein Psalter. Feel free to use other texts.
    Esguerra-Weber-ICET - Magnificat Tone I (TTB).pdf
    Esguerra-Weber-ICET - Magnificat Tone VII (TTB).pdf
  • Here's TTB my arrangement of Thomas Morley's Falsobordone setting of the Magnificat. I adapted his edition to fit the current text of the Magnificat in the Liturgy of the Hours in English. It is done in alternatim with a simplified version of Mode VIII chant tone.

    Magnificat VIII w Morley Falsobordone [2.5].pdf
  • RobertRobert
    Posts: 343
    Can anyone identify the Mode I TTB fauxbourdon setting being used in this video? I would love to know the composer and track down the music.

    Thanked by 1leon.griesbach
  • Earl_GreyEarl_Grey
    Posts: 903
    I'm looking for something similar to the above, but in mode II in order to pair the Magnificat with the O Antiphons. Is there something like that already out there?

  • Mark P.
    Posts: 248
    I'd suggest going to your local public library and do an interlibrary loan for Carlo Rossini's "Cantate Domino," which is arrangements for three equal voices. I'm confident that there's falsobordone included in this collection. See http://www.worldcat.org/search?q=ti:cantate+domino+au:rossini+carlo&qt=advanced&dblist=638