Propers for St Matthew September 21st
  • Are there any English chant resources for St Matthew? I imagine that he would come under either Common of Apostles or Common of Evangelists.

    I'd rather not resort to the Common of Holy Men and Women.

    Ben Yanke has informed me that the Communion is in the SEP.

    I've downloaded the text of the introit from the RGP and have pulled a sample of the Tone 6 chants from the SEP and will have a go as writing one in the SEP style.
  • I've written an introit, based on the Tone 6 of the Simple English Propers.

    Text is from Revised Grail Psalter. I shall type-set it with the psalm verses shortly.

    The Communion from the same feast is "Magna est gloria eius" and is found in the SEP.
    Introit St Matthew.png
    1000 x 550 - 30K
  • smvanroodesmvanroode
    Posts: 1,000
    I would like to suggest a somewhat different ending:

    Thanked by 1hartleymartin
  • I was trying to follow the formula used in the SEP for Tone 6 and that was the most common form.


    Thanks - I tried singing the version I type-set but it did feel a little strange. The ending you've put forward is EXACTLY the right one for this antiphon.
  • *Deleted*
  • HA! I knew it! I spent a bit of time writing this setting and type-setting it nicely, and they've decided to use the Latin chants from the Graduale Romanum!

    Way to make Murphy's law work in your favour - now I have the complete liturgy program and I know exactly what I need to practice for the day. The two hymns chosen are ones that I know well and even know alternative accompaniments!
  • Hopefully this one will be accepted into the corpus of SEP/FEP chants.