Music for the Re-Dedication of the Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle, St. Petersburg, FL
  • I thought I would share the music we are singing for the re-dedication of our diocesan cathedral next Thursday. Some of these are better than others, and there's still a ways to go as you'll see, but I think overall it's a big step up from what is normally sung for diocesan liturgies.

    "Ubi caritas" (Duruflé)
    "Ave Maria" (Andrews)
    "Cantique de Jean Racine" (Fauré)
    "The Letter of Jude" (Picher - local composer & former cathedral music director)
    "I Was Glad When They Said unto Me" (Parry)

    Entrance: "All Creatures of Our God and King"
    Sprinkling Rite: "Springs of Water, Bless the Lord" (Trapp)
    Gloria: New Century Mass (Trapp)

    Responsorial Psalm: English-Spanish setting of Psalm 19 (Your words, Lord, are spirit and life. / Tus palabras, Señor, son espiritu y vida.) (Berke - current cathedral music director)
    Alleluia: "Alleluia, Our God Is Speaking" (Haas) - proper verse replacing verses given in octavo

    Litany of the Saints: Barbara Bridge setting (apparently our bishop nixed the RM chant)
    Anointing of Altar and Walls: "How Lovely Is Thy Dwelling Place" (Brahms)
    Incensing of the Altar and Cathedral: Robert Twynham's setting of Psalm 141
    Lighting of the Cathedral: "Out of Darkness" (C. Walker)

    Offertory: commissioned multi-lingual setting of Psalm 147 by Wm. Osborne, another former music director of the cathedral
    Sanctus: Community Mass (Proulx)
    Mystery of Faith: Community Mass - When we eat this Bread...
    Amen: Community Mass
    Pater Noster: Steven Warner setting (demanded by the bishop)
    Agnus Dei: Mass XVI / Byrd (arr. Proulx) polyphony
    "Sicut cervus" (Palestrina)
    "Amén. El Cuerpo de Cristo" (Schiavone)
    "Viva con caridad" (Isele)
    "Panis angelicus" (Franck)

    Choral Benediction (!): "The Lord Bless You and Keep You" (Rutter)
    Marian Antiphon: "Salve Regina"
    Recessional: "Hallelujah" from Messiah (Handel)

    So there it is. Have at it! :)
    Thanked by 1noel jones, aago
  • matthewjmatthewj
    Posts: 2,699
    We should focus on the positives!

    Very nice to see the Marian Antiphon sung.
    Thanked by 1Caleferink
  • Assuming that the men in question are composers of some skill, I'm pleased to see commissioned works by present and previous directors of music.

    What's the logic for a multi-lingual setting of the psalm, or multi-lingual anything else, for that matter?

    It seems a bit .... what's the word .... incongruous to have Brahms, Franck, Parry and Byrd compete with Haas, Schiavone, Chris Walker and Proulx.
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,225
    It's not really a competition.
  • CHG is right... it's not a competition... but what are they doing in the same room?

    Still... sincere congratulations on the Good Music.

    (I assume that the maudlin and not-very-Catholic 'choral benediction (!)' is in addition to The Blessing?)
  • The Haas and Barbara Bridge settings are the only questionable things I see. Proulx, Schiavone, and even Christopher Walker are "serious composers."

    Great lineup!
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 12,009
    Sounds like you are making real progress. Not a bad program, at all!
  • ghmus7
    Posts: 1,489
    Regarding the presence of Haas and Palestrina on the same program,
    Welcome to the Catholic Church.
  • @cgz We do have a substantial Spanish-speaking population in the diocese, so the bilingual Psalm setting was probably a response to that "pastoral need." And I'm not sure I'd put Proulx in the same boat as Haas except that they are published by the same publisher. I see him almost as an American version of John Rutter (I'll give everyone a moment to get the gasps and "what-is-he-thinking" thoughts out of the way).

    MJO: I'll let you know how this "choral benediction" works out. I was surprised by it when I saw it, too. At least it's Rutter and not some thing found in Breaking Bread.
    Thanked by 1Andrew Motyka
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 12,009
    I am with you on Proulx and Rutter. They are a big cut above the others.
  • Proulx also wrote a lot of music you probably never heard of - art songs, music for orchestra. He was a legit composer. Go on youtube and search Proulx tribute video.