Could this be a joke?
  • ghmus7
    Posts: 1,489
    Y'all might me interested in this job description:
    After the full page of requirements, make sure to
    Scroll down to check out the remuneration offered.
  • PaixGioiaAmorPaixGioiaAmor
    Posts: 1,473
    Actually, whne you really read it, it's not that much work. It just seems like they use a LOT of language to describe it, and sort of go on and on, when it could be summed up with "Two Chorale rehearsals a week, a chapel service once a week, and occasional meetings."
  • rich_enough
    Posts: 1,050
    $25 / hr. would be $50K / year if it was full time, so it doesn't sound too cheap. Sounds like a great opportunity for someone in grad school.
  • It has to be a joke. Minimum qualifications which then allow of accommodations for disabilities......

    " I'm qualified to play the organ, but I lost the use of my legs because......"
    "So you can use your hands to play the keyboard, but not your feet for the pedals?"
    "That's right. A reasonable accommodation should be made because of ADA, even though the law is still stuck in the time when it protected only American citizens, all of whom are earthlings."

    "Absolutely. What else."
    "Well, I sometimes get violent, so the worship service should reflect your worship of me, not of the god of those other traditions."
    "Seems reasonable".
    "And I can't spend U.S. dollars where I live, so you'll need to pay me in ....."

    It may not be a joke, but it sure sounds like one.
  • Don....Don...where are you Don, SPEAK UP NOW!

    cgz, I am proud that they would hire someone with disabilities for at least one list member would qualify and do a grand job of this is he was interested.
    Thanked by 1Adam Wood
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,229
    Excuse me: you may not realize it, but the term "earth---g" is a diminutive expression, and I would prefer that it not be used to refer to adult persons from my planet.

    But seriously, that job description, with all its provisos, seems pretty standard for an academic institution.
  • Chonak,


    On both counts, you're quite correct.
  • In my area, most DOM's are part-time and are making approximately the same thing.
  • BTW-I thought it was agreed upon a long time ago that comments regarding salaries posted would not be discussed on this forum as it is too diverse an area. It's obvious that not everybody will be compensated at the same level, whether or not we all carry the same qualifications. We have all accepted the terms of our contracts and should remain happy with them, otherwise, we should re-think our chosen professions.
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,482
    I'm moving out there next year. Maybe I should apply!

    The Music Director also supports a liturgical program (Chapel) that reflects and sustains PSR’s interdenominational and multi-cultural community of diverse theological perspectives and commitments, and remains true to the school’s commitment to racial, gender, sexual orientation and economic justice.

    On second thought, I cannot apply to this position in good conscience. It goes against my personal convictions to work for any church that is not committed to lowering greenhouse gas emissions.