Draw Us In The Spirit's Tether (Union Seminary)
  • Hello Everyone,

    I'm looking for an organ prelude on the tune Union Seminary with the text "Draw Us In The Spirit's Tether" by Harold Friedel.

    Does anyone know where I can find a organ prelude on this hymn tune?? I know Charles Callahan has a setting of it. I already own that arrangement. I am wondering if there are other's out there. Possibly a fellow forum person has a setting that they have done and would be nice enough to send me a copy.

    Any info on the topic is appreciated!

    Thanks so much!
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,487
    The tune is fairly recent, still under copyright, and (apparently) fairly obscure. So I'm thinking there probably aren't a lot of other settings to be found...
  • kevinfkevinf
    Posts: 1,205
    and (apparently) fairly obscure

    Not so obscure. It was in Worship 2. For Anglicans either. We sing that tune and I am in the heart of Kentucky. It was already in place when I got here. They love the tune.
    Thanked by 2Adam Wood BruceL
  • Look for preludes on this tune by composers Charles Callahan, Gerre Hancock, Robert Lind, Paul Manz, and Charles Ore (this one makes a good piano piece).

    My favorite is that of Robert Lind, who was our parish organist for some time and is now at Lord of Life Lutheran Church in Schaumburg, Illinois.
  • ScottKChicago-

    What can you tell me about Robert Lind as a organist and his organ pieces? I've never heard of him before.

    What's his setting of Union Seminary like? Is it a challenging setting or prelude/atmospheric style?